Thursday, November 26, 2020

Modern iridology Emphasize on Collarette, Pupillary Zone & IPB Structures

 Modern & Multidimensional Iridology set priority to analyze an iris sign in IPB, Pupillary Zone & Collarette structures. About 80% major signs come from these 3 zones.

1) Inner Pupillary Border :

a) Space Risk in physical & emotional

b) IPB Morphology & Archeology

b) Spinal Imbalance Analysis

 2) Pupillary Zone :

a) Embryological 

b) Citric Acid Cycle

c) Gastrointestinal & PNEI System

d) Gestational Trauma & Adult Chronic Disease

3) Collarette :

a) The Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette

b) Time Risk

c) Chronoboilogy

d) Neurotramitters

e) The Immune Cell & PNEI

f) Linear Collarette 

g) Parental Conflict & Resentment

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