Sunday, October 28, 2018

Why Don’t We Offer Certification in Bach Flower Essences?

It’s a question we are often asked and there is a simple reason.
Bach freely shared his work, he wanted the world to have access to flower essences and their life changing properties.
He himself never sought to contain or control this information. His work championed the understanding that there is no universal solution to bringing a person into wellness. The essences that are right for one person experiencing a specific condition will be different to another experiencing the same condition. We are all individual and treating the individual was the core of Bach’s life work.
The key to using Bach flower essences effectively is to first know yourself and your true essence. When you have this piece of the puzzle, the right essences for you and your situation will present themselves.
This is the journey each of us is on. A journey of exploration and discovery unique to each of us and no certification is required. That said, there are many good training courses if you wish to have a certificate of attendance.

From Healing Herbs

來自英國 Healing Herbs 巴赫花精製造公司的文字分享

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