Sunday, September 02, 2018

Mixed Biliary Constitution, Hypertrophy IPB, Pupil Flatness, Hypertrophy Collarette, Brown Pigments, Radial Furrows & Contraction Furrows - Lx - (sg)

a) Explain mixed iris constitution's characteristics & genetic weakness tendencies.
b) Explain hypertrophy of the inner pupillary border's characteristics, genetic weaknesses & psycho-emotional tendencies. Could you identify any IPB morphologies in this IPB structures ?
c) Identify the pupil flatness and analyze it in physical, emotional and which areas of possible spinal stress.
d) Explain the physical and emotional weakness for hypertrophy of the collarette, linear collarette and collarette bridge, local indentation found in this collarette structure.
e) Identify any major signs (lacuna, crypt, defect sign, pigment, radial furrow) in pupillary zone/ internal collarette border.
f) Identify any major axes ( e.g. radial furrows) in this iris, such as :
- Immune Axis 
- Stress Axis (HPA)
- Thyroid Axis
- Depression Axis
g) The location, shape, color & density of the pigments
h) Identify the contraction furrows where they break, converge or terminate.

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