Saturday, April 14, 2018

Multiple Radial Furrows at Pupillary Zone - Embryological, Citric Acid Cycle & Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette - Mc-8 - Lx

1) Hypothalamus & Pyruvic acid  imbalance at 360' in physical level & Frontal Flatness co-sign with hypothalamus stress in emotional level.
2) Indentation of the radial furrow at 160' - 
a) Time Risk, experienced trauma at the aged of 33.
b) This sign indicate of vulnerability and feeling fear.
c) Physical indicate cervical stress correlate with Inferior Temporal Pupil Flatness.
3) Radial Furrows at 344', 360' , 230' & 271' (CAC signs) indicate predisposition to blood sugar imbalance ( Diabetes Mellitus) which correlation with ITF sign.
4) Radial furrows at 344' & 25' can be considered as Time Risk signs, further consultation with client is recommended. (possible family issues).

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