Friday, July 08, 2016

Flower Formula 10 - Nicotiana ' Breath of Life'

Flower Formula 10 - Nicotiana 'Breath of Life' is made from a blend of flower essences which vibrate on the frequency of 510nm. Green essences enhance the immune system but above all green is the colour of love. The Nicotiana person is vibrant, active and sporty with a great love of life, fresh air and freedom. Nicotiana is valuable to ease the hurt of rejection and betrayal by loved ones. This pain often leads to loss of self worth and a need to smoke. Bitterness and an inability to forgive leads to difficulties with breathing and lays one open to breakdown of the immune system. Nicotiana is a powerful plant which has the capacity to restore peace of mind, a sense of love and forgiveness and recovery from the hurt.. It increases self worth and promotes a forgiving nature which then enables one to recover. FF10 Nicotiana can aid the assimilation of B2 and the amino-acids l-isoleucine and l-leucine and l-glycine.
§  Nicotiana/ Bay Flower/ Bramble/ Cow Parsley/ Pennywort/ Common Horsetail
§  Firstly, it is right-sided
§  Bitterness, inability to forgive which leads to cancerous state.
§  Trauma caused by emotion of love/betrayal and rejection which leads to a bitter state and leaves one open to serious breakdown of health
§  Radioactivity
§  Supports sufferers of Asthma
§  Habits
§  Helps to support emotional support for addictive behaviour
§  Helps one to give up smoking
§  Supportive for self-worth and pride
§  Sportsmanship - enhances breathing and oxygenation    
§  Assimilation of B2 and the amino acids l- isoleucine and l-leucine and l-glycine.

Bramble supports the victim of betrayal. Betrayal of trust is a very aggressive and destructive negation of friendship and leads to serious breathing disorders an inability to forgive and may even lead to cancer

Common Horsetail has been used for it's medicinal properties for many years and is rich in silicon, potassium and calcium. It can help to support people with flagging energy levels.

Cow Parsley can be used for congestive lung disorders such as emphysema, asthma, breathing difficulties, bronchial disorders and chest colds. 

Nicotiana is the tobacco plant and it can be used to help treat illness due to smoking, chemically induced lung disorders, lung cancer, cytoxic drugs and farm chemicals. 

Pennywort can be used for conditions relating to the lungs, heart, thymus and ears. For those suffering from asthma, chest infections, respiratory illness and ear-ache. 
"Breath of Life"
 The rejection of love for another, or bitterness due to a breakup are powerful emotions that are not easily forgiven. An inability to forgive the people who have hurt you can lead to deeper hurt. If this describes your current situation, the mesmerizing essence of the Nicotiana plant may provide you with the consoling and natural restoration your body and spirit need to make it through this difficult time. It’s understandable to feel a wide range of emotions as your body struggles to correct its emotional balance. Give yourself a natural boost with the fresh aura of Nicotiana and open your mind to forgiveness, which can enable you to continue living the life you were meant to enjoy. The rejection of love for another, or bitterness due to a breakup are powerful emotions that are not easily forgiven. An inability to forgive the people who have hurt you can lead to deeper hurt. If this describes your current situation, the mesmerizing essence of the Nicotiana plant may provide you with the consoling and natural restoration your body and spirit need to make it through this difficult time. It’s understandable to feel a wide range of emotions as your body struggles to correct its emotional balance. Give yourself a natural boost with the fresh aura of Nicotiana and open your mind to forgiveness, which can enable you to continue living the life you were meant to enjoy.

'Breath of Life' is made from a blend of flower essences which vibrate on the frequency of 510nm.

The Heart Chakra  
The Lung Meridian     

FF10 is often combined with FF1 and FF5 when suffering with cancer as it supports the terrible fear, angst and sense of betrayal
Green essences enhance the immune system but above all green is the colour of love. The Nicotiana person is vibrant, active and sporty with a great love of life, fresh air and freedom. Nicotiana is valuable to ease the hurt of rejection and betrayal by loved ones. This pain often leads to loss of self- worth and a need to smoke. Bitterness and an inability to forgive leads to difficulties with breathing and lays one open to breakdown of the immune system. Nicotiana is a powerful plant which has the capacity to restore peace of mind, a sense of love and forgiveness and recovery from the hurt. It increases self- worth and promotes a forgiving nature which then enables one to recover. Sometimes being able to forgive the people who have been cruel to us, is the hardest thing we will ever do. It is very difficult to recover from betrayal especially by someone that we love very much and have total trust in. Forgiveness is one of the most important means of recovering from cancer.

We all do when we are tired and breathless. All cancer sufferers need FF10 with FF1 and FF5 to support the spiritual anguish of being unwell. We all need FF10 when we suffer with feelings of rejection, everyone who smokes needs FF10. Flower Formula 10 - Nicotiana is a pulmonary constitutional formula and is a helpful treatment for the following situations:

Latin Name:
Nicotonia Affinis Solanaceae
Collection Time:
May to June
Nicotiana is the tobacco plant and it can be used to help treat illness due to smoking, chemically induced lung disorders, lung cancer, cytoxic drugs and farm chemicals.
Type of person nicotiana is suitable for:
A person who is free spirited, a perfectionist, active, vibrant and confident.
Emotional support for:
When a person loses their confidence, and feels a lack of self worth. When they are shy, embittered and self absorbed. Inability to forgive and recover from rejection When a physical problem has occurred due to atmospheric pollution.

Illness due to smoking, nicotine, chemically induced lung disorders, lung cancer, cytoxic drugs, farm chemicals and all forms of drug taking which involve breathing such as cannabis sativa or marijuana.
Spiritual state nicotiana can assist in:
When someone is in the state in which they need wisdom.

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