Friday, February 05, 2016

Pupil Flattenings, IPB Spinal & Space Deficiency in IPB - Rx - 3

Identify & analyse the multiple pupil flatness and space deficiency in inner pupillary border tissues in term of physical, emotional and neuromuscular tensions in spinal cord.

a) Extroflession of the IPB at 115' & 126' both are signify Space Risk 17 & 18 indicate kidney insufficiency and neuromuscular tensions at the spinal cord of T11 & L1 (Thoracic & Lumbar Vertebrae).
b) Frontal Pupil Flatness indicates tendencies for headaches, migraines, upper cervical vertebral tension, fatigue and possible Bipolar depression. Emotionally relate to suppressed anger, unresolved grief, self-doubt, mother conflict and the need for psychological escape.
c) Inferior Pupil Nasal Flatness indicate tendencies predisposition or history of sacral, lumbar and coccyx injuries ( amplified by Space Risk 18) leading to leg problems, osteoporosis or rheumatism ( typical lymphatic constitution), renal disturbances, polycystic kidneys ( amplified by Space Risk 17 & 18) and urinary infections. In males need to look at prostate or testicular changes. In female often correlate with uterine problems, fibroid, endometriosis pr cervical dysplasia. Psycho-emotional concerns with self-criticism, guilt, low self-esteem and hyperactivity.
d) Lateral Temporal Pupil Flatness indicates predisposition to circulatory problems, nervous breathing, asthma, emotional heart problems and breast problems. Emotionally need to look suppression of expression.

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