Monday, February 08, 2016

Pupil Flattenings, Double Lacunae, Brown Pigments & Ferrum Chromatosis - Rx - 2

a) Frontal Pupil Flatness - tendencies to headaches, migraines, insomnia, fatigue & depression, Emotionally relates to suppressed anger ( amplified by brown pigment), unresolved grief and self-doubt.
b) Medial Nasal Flatness - tendencies to breathing disturbances, thyroid gland dysfunction, family history of cardiovascular risk correlate with double lacuna at 270' & 280'. Emotionally concerns with nervous exhaustion, family issues of father/son conflicts.
c) Lateral Temporal Flatness - tendencies to circulatory problems, nervous breathing difficulties, asthma, emotional heart problems and breast problems.
d) Brown pigments nearest to the collarette border - 140' - predisposition to liver stress, betrayal, anger & resentment.
e) Ferrum Chromatosis - used to called "iron settlement", refer to a relationship between blocked parenchyma of the liver leading to liver stress which can lead to anaemia, jaundice or hormonal & pituitary gland alterations.
f) Neuromuscular tensions at the cervical & thoracic vertebrae.
g) Double Lacuna at 270' & 280' as explained at post-1
h) Personal Biological Clock:
- Brown pigment located/nearest to the border of the collarette - 140' - 3.20pm
- Lacuna attached on the border of the collarette - 270' - 6am
- Lacuna attached on the border of the collarette - 180' - 12pm
i) Phytobiophysics Treatment : HP3, SF5, HF3, HF10, HF11 & HF12

1) HP3 Breathe Freely 
  • Pulmonary Constitution: The Mental Journey
  • Lower Right Quadrant: Youth/Male Child/Oldest Child/Puberty/Childhood
  • The Respiratory System-Skeleton-Reproduction, Lung/Small Intestines/Right Bladder Meridian
  • Vibrates on the color frequencies of green, turquoise and orange
  • Essence of Deodar Cedrus, Green Pine, Nicotiana and Common Horsetail
  • Support: Healthy vibrant youth, fresh air and exercise, Dignity, Pride, Respect, Self-worth, Perfectionist,Achievement & Success
  • Recovery From: Tragedy & rejection during childhood, Bitterness, inability to forgive, Loss/Separation/Abandonment. This formula assuages victimization and rejection that causes suffering, loss of self-esteem and an inability to forgive which may lead to breathing difficulties, infertility, sterility, skeletal trauma and an inability to assimilation

2) Superfit Tree Formula 5 "Breathe" Super Fit 5 - Breathe is a natural remedy that uses essence of the Deodar Cedrus, the sacred Tree of God . This Phytobiophysics formula vibrates on a colour frequency of 512nm which is green, the colour of life and trees, the breathing of the planet This remedy is primarily beneficial for the lung meridian. May assist with the assimilation of :- - Vitamins: B2 Riboflavin vital for the activation of the Krebs Cycle - Essential Amino acids: L-Leucine vital for the formation of Haemoglobin - L-Isoleucine vital for the formation of Thymopoetin found in meat and green vegetables - GABA, which is essential for oxygen uptake.

Essence in Superfit 5 

Deodar Cedar - Deodar Cedrus , the Indian Tree of God. The sacred, Divine healing tree of India is mentioned in the ancient Sanskit texts as the most powerful healing tree. This tree has powerful religious associations but is the healer of the heart. The pine cone which is heavenly scented , clears the sinuses and allows deep inhalation.
Every aspect of life is supported by Oxygen, fresh air and exercise. Breathing correctly is fundamental to support life, vitlaity and health. Loss of love and rejection can affect our ability to breath properly.

3) Flower Formula 3 Camellia " Spiritual Ease"Flower Formula 3 - Pink Camellia vibrates on the frequency of 376nm Ultra Violet is beyond the visible colour spectrum and is a very high vibrational energy. This energy appears pink and is the energy which we choose when we feel spiritually traumatized. This formula is for trauma of change of circumstance such as during times of puberty or the menopause, spiritual trauma and the 7 year cycles of life. Change of circumstance such as divorce, moving home or country, a new school, a new career or losing or changing a partner can all be very distressing and traumatic. Vortex energy changes occur every seventh year. If trauma occurs during a seventh year this emotional experience will echo every seventh year of our life, seven year cycles also relate to the endocrine changes which occur throughout our lives. We are usually more vulnerable during these periods.

Essences in Flower Formula 3

  • Pink camellia
  • Herb Robert 
  • Bougainvillia 
  • Thyme 
  • Red Campion
4) Flower Formula 10 Nicotiana "Breath of Life"Flower Formula 10 - Nicotiana 'Breath of Life' is made from a blend of flower essences which vibrate on the frequency of 510nm. Green essences enhance the immune system but above all green is the colour of love. The Nicotiana person is vibrant, active and sporty with a great love of life, fresh air and freedom. Nicotiana is valuable to ease the hurt of rejection and betrayal by loved ones. This pain often leads to loss of self worth and a need to smoke. Bitterness and an inability to forgive leads to difficulties with breathing and lays one open to breakdown of the immune system. Nicotiana is a powerful plant which has the capacity to restore peace of mind, a sense of love and forgiveness and recovery from the hurt.. It increases self worth and promotes a forgiving nature which then enables one to recover. FF10 Nicotiana can aid the assimilation of B2 and the amino-acids l-isoleucine and l-leucine and l-glycine.

Essences in Flower Formula 10

  • Nicotiana
  • Bay Flower
  • Bramble
  • Cow parsley
  • Pennnywort
  • Common Horsetail.
5) Flower Formula 11 Hawthorne "Heartache" - Flower Formula 11 - Hawthorn 'Heartache' is made from a blend of flower essences which vibrate on the frequency of the colour green 520nm Hawthorn referred to as May Blossom symbolises love and marriage. Hawthorn is a flower for the heart and for love and the person who needs this formula is a special person, loving and kind often giving all they have to the people they love. Generous, beautiful and open hearted. Spiritually reliable and strong. When feeling sad and heavy hearted and suffering with spiritual loss this formula conforts one on a deep level and helps to ease the grief of heartache and bereavement. FF11 Hawthorn formula can aid the assimilation of Vitamin E and amino acids l-methionine l-carnitine and glumatic acid. FF11 may also aid the digestion of wholegrain, nuts and seeds.

Essences in Flower Formula 11

  • Hawthorn Blossom
  • Fat Hen
  • Chickweed 
  • Ivy flower
  • Lily of the Valley
  • Snowdrop
6) Flower Formula 12 - Dandelion "D.tox" - Flower Formula 12 - Dandelion 'D.Tox'i s made from a blend of yellow flower essences that vibrate on the frequency of 580 nm. colour yellow The Liver/ gallbladder and stomach meridians FF12 Dandelion is the flower for emotionally strong and straightforward people who are happy, caring, cherishing and who respect and value another person's point of view. When traumatised they are prone to sudden outbursts of heated and irrational violent anger. Dandelion lessens the impact of the overbearing ego and softens attitudes. It is particularly valuable to calm anger and helps to deal with loss of temper and also calms the victim of someone who loses their temper.

Essences in Flower Formula 12

  • Dandelion
  • Fennel
  • Hawkweed
  • Wild cabbage
  • Pineapplewort

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