Monday, February 01, 2016

Multiple Radial Furrows at the Frontal Section of the Collarette - Rx - 2

According John Andrews, Multiple Radial Furrows located at the frontal section of the iris can be leading to:
a) Stress related epigenetics expressed through the iris.
b) Patient may have entrenched feelings of inferiority or a conflict with a forceful father figure.
c) Possible a family history of hypertension.
d) Tendency to headaches caused by a stagnant &  fermenting colon and attest to a cerebral weakness.
e) Psycho-emotional relates to feeling of inferiority, forceful father figure, disturbance in stomach energetic, compromised adaptability and the need for self-assertion.
f) Radial Furrow can attest to poor concentration, restrictions in hormonal and blood circulation, vertigo, memory loss, headache and epilepsy, according to Emilio Ratti.

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