Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Multiple Bridged, Linear, Hypertrophic & Orange Pigmented Collarette - Progesterone Collarette - Rx

a) Observe multiple crypts located at internal collarette border - 30', 70', 288' & 295' by using Embryological & Citric Acid Cycle Cellular Iridology models
b) Multiple crypts and minor rays located at external border of the collarette - 8', 80', 180' and 312', identify which sign is the most important, and Time Risk signs ?
c) Multiple Collarette Bridges at the mid-point of 355', 10, 33' & 121', what are the indication of the mid-points ?, and explain the emotional attachments on the traumatic events.
d) Explain the physical & emotional levels of Pigmented Orange Collarette.
e) Explain the clinical meanings of multiple Collarette Bridged, Hypertrophy and Linear Collarette.
f) Recommendation for Phytobiophysics formulas.
g) Suggestions for best taking time for HP,SF & HF formulas

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