Friday, February 19, 2016

Major Ray Penetrated to the Pupillary Zone - Multidimensional Sign - Rx - (ksp) - 5

Female, 67
Major Ray / Radial Furrow radiate from the edge of pupil crossing pupillary to ciliary zone - 170' as Multidimensional sign - Physical, Epigenetic, Emotional Dynamics, Time Risk, Embryology, Citric Acid Cycle, Dirk Hamer Syndrome & Personal Chronobiological Time.
a) Physical - Kidney & Cervical insufficiency
b) Emotional Dynamics -  Emotional issue of Low Self-Esteem 
c) Time Risk - 31.50
d) Embryological - Spleen deficiency
e) Kreb's Cycle - Coenzyme A imbalance tendency to kidney and family history of heart disease
f) Dirk Hamer Syndrome - Ovary & Right Kidney
g) Personal Chronobiological Time - 12.40pm
h) Phytobiophysics - Combined the post - Rx(1-5) & Lx (1-2)- (ksp): HP3 SF1, SF8, HF9, HF11, HF15 & HF16

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