Sunday, February 21, 2016

Flower Formula 9 - Bluebell " Appetite"

Flower Formula 9 - Bluebell 'appetite' is made from a blend of blue flower essences which vibrate on the frequency of 472nm, the colour of sky on a sunny day and also the sea. Bluebell has the ability to enable one to have faith and trust that there will always be help whenever it is most needed. The' Throat Chakra' which vibrates on Turquoise Blue is the level of the body through which we make sound. Communication is the most important aspect of sorting out relationship problems. It is the part of the body which relates to one’s relationship with Mother and whenever there are difficulties with this relationship the throat manifests discomfort.

 Blue resonates on the frequency of the thyroid hormones and therefore affects the digestive system and the temperature regulation of the body. Blue also stabilizes the parathyroid production of calcitonin and parathormone which play a vital role in the structure of the skeleton and bones by maintaining calcium and magnesium levels.
FF9 bluebell can aid the digestion of milk and the assimilation of calcium and magnesium from vegetables and seeds.
The throat consists of the nexk, the cervical vertebrae, voice box, the thyroid and parathyroid. Balance between calcium/magnesium vital electrolyte minerals for stability of the ones and tissues.FF9 bluebell can aid the assimilation of amino acids l- tryptophan, l-histidine and l-proline and minerals iodine, selenium, calcium and magnesium.

Flower Formula 9 - Bluebell is uplifting & spiritually rejuvenating
  1. Augments brain electrical activity
  2. Pent-up emotion
  3. communication
  4. supports memory /clarity of thought
  5. The emotional link between mother and child. The shock to the body when umbilical cord is cut can cause pancreatic disorders later in life therefore FF9 is often taken with FF15
  6. may assist  the assimilation of vital nutrients for healthy bones: iodine, selenium calcium and magnesium
  7. protein assimilation, amino acids, l-tryptophan l-histidine and l-proline.
  8. enables the body to release environemental toxins such as: caesium,carbon, phenol, lead, LER, selenium, iodine
Flower Formula 9 - Bluebell is made from a blend of  essences:
1. Bluebell - Bluebell can be helpful when there are complaints with the thyroid, parathyroid, larynx. Also with emotional feelings of despair. 

Latin Name:Endimion Non-Scriptus Liliaceae
Collection Time:Late April - May

Summary:Bluebell can be helpful when there are complaints with the thyroid, parathyroid, larynx. Also with emotional feelings of despair.
Type of person bluebell is suitable for:A person who is generally very open in nature with a strong composure and is spontaneous.
Emotional support for:When a person has feelings of despair, or a fear of letting go.

Bursts of irrational temper, particularly in children. Angry uncontrolled thoughts. When there are complaints with the thyroid, parathyroid, larynx.
Spiritual state bluebell can assist in:This remedy enhances spiritual energy. Consider the possibility that one learns from painful experiences.

Bluebell may be used to assist the elimination of:Caesium, Carbon, phenol, influenza.
2. Borage - Borage has been used in the treatment of arthritis and rheumatism and can aid when people need uplifting and spiritually rejuvenating. 

Latin Name:Borago Officilanis Boraginacceae
Collection Time:May to September

Summary:Borage has been used in the treatment of arthritis and rheumatism and can aid when people need uplifting and spiritually rejuvenating.
Type of person borage is suitable for:A person with courage and understanding, fine character and sensitivity, inner strength and bravery. This remedy has the capacity to exhilarate the mind and dispel sadness. It makes one happy, merry and joyful. It is a very uplifting and pleasing harmoniser.
Emotional support for:Helps to prevent calcium spurs and bunions.

Useful in the treatment of arthritis and rheumatism. When there are issues with the parathyroid, tubal tonsils.

Stimulates the parathyroid and the production of the hormone Calcitonin, creates a stasis in the calcium/magnesium levels in the body.
Spiritual state borage can assist in:When some is in the state in which they need uplifting and spiritually rejuvenating.
Additional advice related to using this essence:The leaves and flowers may be used in salads.

Dry the flowers in a cool oven for 2-3 hrs. use as a tisane by pouring boiling water over dried flowers and/or leaves and infuse for 10 minutes.

Used by herbalists as a mild diuretic, anti-oedema, for rheumatism and as a mild heart tonic.

Also a common additive to Pimms alcoholic drinks.
Borage may be used to assist the elimination of:Antidote to bismuth, Calcium, helium, osmium.
3. Speedwell - It is useful to take speedwell as `first aid’ before embarking on a dangerous venture or after being involved in a dangerous situation. 

Latin Name:Veronica Chamaedris Scrophulariceae
Collection Time:May to August

Summary:It is useful to take speedwell as `first aid’ before embarking on a dangerous venture or after being involved in a dangerous situation.
Type of person speedwell is suitable for:A person who needs to regain balance and harmony, tranquillity and sympathy. Who is typically protective and gentle.
Emotional support for:This remedy increases the communication between the cells in the brain by influencing the synapses and by augmenting the brain’s electrical activity. it increases memory and clarity of thought.

It changes and releases negative thought processes and speeds up the passage of messages from the pituitary to the thyroid and therefore speeds up the metabolism. one is then able to respond more quickly to situations. a
Speedwell vibrates on the frequency of the paraventricular nucleus -hypothalamus which produces a vital hormone for supporting melatonin release activating the rear pituitary release of oxytocin and vasopressin and Hypothalamus release of CRH and TRH
this part of the brain is damaged by Low emission radiation When there are issues with the thyroid tension headaches around the forehead and eye tension.

Problems with eye sight.

Spiritual state speedwell can assist in:When someone is in the state in which they need to reflect on the subject of thought.

Speedwell may be used to assist the elimination of:Bromine, gadolium, iodine, lead, nickel, polonium, selenium, tungsten, Codeine.
4. White Valerian - White Valerian can help when there are problems with the laryngeal tonsils, larynx and speech.

Latin Name:Centranthus Ruber Valerianaceae
Collection Time:June to August

Summary:White Valerian can help when there are problems with the laryngeal tonsils, larynx and speech.
Type of person white valerian is suitable for:A person who sets out to achieve and is often very successful in life, usually brilliant at public speaking.
People whose profession often involves discourse such as lawyers, priests, company person's, actors or teachers.
Emotional support for:When a person is verbally cruel and uses cutting and stinging remarks. Victims of sarcasm. When there are problems with the laryngeal tonsils, larynx and speech.
Spiritual state white valerian can assist in:When someone is in a state where they have become verbally cruel and uses cutting and stinging remarks.

White Valerian may be used to assist the elimination of:Bismuth, Krypton, Cholera, Corynbact, Magnetic imbalance, pertussis, scarlatina, streptococcus haem.
5. Wild Succory - Wild Succory can help when there is suffering from problems with metabolic stability, sore throats or thyroxin. 

Latin Name:Cichorium
Collection Time:July to August

Summary:Wild Succory can help when there is suffering from problems with metabolic stability, sore throats or thyroxin.
Type of person wild succory is suitable for:A person who is loving, kind, creative and protective, the proverbial mother figure.

This harmoniser brings emotional discord back into harmony and allows for a healthy relationship between mother and daughter. trauma.
Emotional support for:When a person is the overprotective mother who will not allow her children to fly the nest.
For men who are very strongly tied to their mothers.
This harmoniser is valuable for all persons who are grieving for the loss of their mother. it is particularly valuable for unresolved trauma in this relationship.
The desire to have children to protect the marriage. When they are suffering from problems with metabolic stability, sore throats or thyroxin.
Spiritual state wild succory can assist in:When someone is grieving for the loss of their mother and in cases of unresolved trauma in a relationship.

Wild Succory may be used to assist the elimination of:Calcium phosphate, iridium, Masurium.

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