Thursday, February 11, 2016

Flower Formula 6 - Phacelia "Clear Sense"

Flower Formula 6 - Phacelia is a blend of essences that vibrate on the frequency of colour Indigo 436nm phacelia is a very beautiful flower which energises the land. When the body is under attack from bacteria and pollution, the sinuses and tonsils activate as a first line of defence. Increased atmospheric pollution causes congestion, which leads to pain and discomfort. Phacelia activates the sinuses and enables them to eliminate the atmospheric pollutants that cause irritation and inflammation.

Flower Formula 6 - Phacelia supports you in the following situations:
  • Sight,  tears, crying and emotional distress which causes the sinuses to congest and become sensitive.
  • Loss of self worth and therefore easily led into bad company and bad habits such as smoking and taking drugs
  • victim of sarcasm
  • Low self-esteem
  • Introverted and lacking confidence
  • Shutting oneself away
  • Particularly supportive for young boys going through puberty who isolate themselves from friends
  • Metabolic harmoniser for mucous and acid-forming foods
  • Temporo-mandibular joint TMJ
  • sensitive to atmospheric pollution
  • Hyperventilation due to stress
  • Helps to prevent snoring
  • Breast feeding support combined with FF2 and FF9
  • Mucous
  • Antidote to mucous-forming foods,
  • Antimony, Dysprosium, Proctacinum, Rhenium, Ytterbium and vWdate
  • Supports the assimilation of biotin B8 and amino acids l-lycine, l-cysteine and glutamic acid.
Flower Formula 6 - Phacelia is a combination of 5 different flowers:

1. Borage - Borage has been used in the treatment of arthritis and rheumatism and can aid when people need uplifting and spiritually rejuvenating. 

Latin Name:Borago Officilanis Boraginacceae
Collection Time:May to September

Summary:Borage has been used in the treatment of arthritis and rheumatism and can aid when people need uplifting and spiritually rejuvenating.
Type of person borage is suitable for:A person with courage and understanding, fine character and sensitivity, inner strength and bravery. This remedy has the capacity to exhilarate the mind and dispel sadness. It makes one happy, merry and joyful. It is a very uplifting and pleasing harmoniser.
Emotional support for:Helps to prevent calcium spurs and bunions.

Useful in the treatment of arthritis and rheumatism. When there are issues with the parathyroid, tubal tonsils.

Stimulates the parathyroid and the production of the hormone Calcitonin, creates a stasis in the calcium/magnesium levels in the body.
Spiritual state borage can assist in:When some is in the state in which they need uplifting and spiritually rejuvenating.
Additional advice related to using this essence:The leaves and flowers may be used in salads.

Dry the flowers in a cool oven for 2-3 hrs. use as a tisane by pouring boiling water over dried flowers and/or leaves and infuse for 10 minutes.

Used by herbalists as a mild diuretic, anti-oedema, for rheumatism and as a mild heart tonic.

Also a common additive to Pimms alcoholic drinks.
Borage may be used to assist the elimination of:Antidote to bismuth, Calcium, helium, osmium.
2. Elderflower -  Elderflower has been well documented throughout the centuries, as a valuable herbal remedy for fever, rheumatism, catarrh and as an eye wash and skin tonic.

Latin Name:Sambucus Nigra
Collection Time:June to July

Summary:Elderflower has been well documented throughout the centuries, as a valuable herbal remedy for fever, rheumatism, catarrh and as an eye wash and skin tonic.
Type of person elderflower is suitable for:A person who is usually tolerant and well grounded

A person who is experiencing mood swings

A person who has been diagnosed as a manic depressive
Emotional support for:When a person is suffering from mood swings. Can support the limbic nervous system.

Immune Booster for all left drift viruses. particularly valuable for sufferers from Coxsackie A7, Candida Albicans and any other virus or poison which affects the limbic system.
Spiritual state elderflower can assist in:When someone is in the state in which they are having negative thought patterns.

Elderflower may be used to assist the elimination of:Candida Albicans, Coxsackie A7.

3. Maritime Campion - Maritime Campion can help treat resentful and jealous individuals. Can be a useful support for the glands and can help treat glandular fever. 

Latin Name:Silene Maritima Francineacae
Collection Time:May to July
Colour:Sapphire Blue

Summary:Maritime Campion can help treat resentful and jealous individuals. Can be a useful support for the glands and can help treat glandular fever.
Type of person maritime campion is suitable for:A person who is typically very fair, straight and honourable.

A person who has become resentful and jealous
Emotional support for:When a person is resentful and jealous. When they are suffering from problems with palatine, laryngeal and tubal tonsils.

Glandular fever and all the symptoms of swollen glands and fever.

This harmoniser has a stimulating action on the t4 cells of the thymus gland.
Spiritual state maritime campion can assist in:When someone is in the state in which they are finding it difficult to achieve a rational understanding of equality and fairness.

Maritime Campion may be used to assist the elimination of:Glandular fever, Epstein Barr Virus, Coxsackie A7.
4. Phacelia - Phacelia can be very helpful for the treatment of sinus problems and headaches as well as drug addiction and can also be used by people lacking in confidence. 

Latin Name:Phacelia Tanacetifolia Hydrophyllaceae
Collection Time:June to July

Summary:Phacelia can be very helpful for the treatment of sinus problems and headaches as well as drug addiction and can also be used by people lacking in confidence.
Type of person phacelia is suitable for:A person who is determined and realistic, capable of great achievement as well as very generous and giving.

A person who is lacking in confidence and feels that they need to constantly seek the approval of others.
Emotional support for:When a person is easily exploited. Can be helpful for the left eye, ear and nose.

Additionally left sided headaches and sinusitis.

Valuable for the treatment of the virus Condyloma [warts] and for herpes simplex. [cold sores.]
Spiritual state phacelia can assist in:When someone is in the state in which they are suffering from a lack of confidence and also for those with a drug addiction

Phacelia may be used to assist the elimination of:Antidote to drug addiction

Antimony, Dysprosium, proctacinum, Rhenium, ytterbium, Vydate, Condyloma, herpes simplex.
5. White Vaterian - White Valerian can help when there are problems with the laryngeal tonsils, larynx and speech. 

Latin Name:Centranthus Ruber Valerianaceae
Collection Time:June to August

Summary:White Valerian can help when there are problems with the laryngeal tonsils, larynx and speech.
Type of person white valerian is suitable for:A person who sets out to achieve and is often very successful in life, usually brilliant at public speaking.
People whose profession often involves discourse such as lawyers, priests, company person's, actors or teachers.
Emotional support for:When a person is verbally cruel and uses cutting and stinging remarks. Victims of sarcasm. When there are problems with the laryngeal tonsils, larynx and speech.
Spiritual state white valerian can assist in:When someone is in a state where they have become verbally cruel and uses cutting and stinging remarks.

White Valerian may be used to assist the elimination of:Bismuth, Krypton, Cholera, Corynbact, Magnetic imbalance, pertussis, scarlatina, streptococcus haem.

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