Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Pupil Flattenings Vs Embryological & Citric Acid Cycle Analysis - Lx - (sha) - 2

Analyse the multiple pupil  flatness  at Lx vs Rx findings :
A) Frontal Flatness (FF) indicates tendency to headache, migraines, depression and muscular tension at cervical vertebral.
@ Rx - (ff) frontal flatness
B) Lateral Temporal Flatness (LTF) indicates tendency to circulatory problem, asthma, emotional heart problem and gastrointestinal disturbances. 
@ Rx - minor radial furrow (Embryological & CAC sign) at internal collarette border - 42' (with indented lacuna) signify stomach stress, citric acid imbalance associate with fatigue, sluggish digestion and allergic asthma tendency. 
@ Rx - minor radial furrow (CAC sign) at internal collarette border - 18' & 23' indicate pyruvic acid & coenzyme A imbalance associate with diabetes mellitus and tendency to heart problem. 
@ Rx - minor radial furrow (Embryological sign) at 320' indicate predisposition to cardiac risk.
C) Inferior Nasal Flatness (INF) indicate muscular tension at sacral. lumbar, leg problems and osteoporosis tendency. Suggest checking prostate ( take note the citric acid imbalance sign at 42'-minor radial furrow )
D) Medial Nasal Flatness (MNF) indicate tendency to breathing problem, cardiac risk and thyroid gland imbalance.
@ Rx - local indentation of the collarette at 105' thyroid reflex zone.

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