Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Atrophy IPB, Restricted, Indented Collarette & Radial Furrows - Rx - (sha) - 2

Male, 76
Diabetes, knee pain, migraine
Analyse and interpret  the following findings:
a) Genetic weakness tendency for Atrophy of the IPB ( diameter between 0 to 50 micron) -
b) Frontal Flatness (ff) & Inferior Nasal Flatness (inf) in physical & emotional levels -
c) Restricted Collarette in physical, emotional and identification of Parental DNA -
d) Local indentation of the collarette at 105' & 346' in physical, emotional & Time Risk evaluation -
e) Embryological & Citric Acid Cycle signs at pupillary zone - 18', 23', 42' 160', 245' , 320' & 340' - 
f) Linear & Bridge collarette - Physical & Time Risk
Find the correlation of each iris sign  from Pupil, Pupillary Zone, Internal & External Border of the Collarette -

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