Saturday, June 20, 2015

Classical, Embryology, CAC & Time Risk Approaches at External Border Collarette & Pupillary Zone - Lx - (pre)

Please find which lacunae or signs attached on the external border of the collarette and pupillary zone are indicate the tendency of pancreas and uterus insufficiency as mentioned earlier at the previous post - Rx-iris ?

a) Could you explain the embryological sign (minor ray) at pupillary zone - 171' is relate to what physical weakness and it correlate to which iris sign (lacunae) ?
b) The collarette bridge at the mid-point of 240', explain it genetic weakness and the possible of Time Risk of this situation !
c)  Could you identify which iris sign is associate with Coenzyme A imbalance ? This indicate a tendency to heart and kidney deficiency. 

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