Sunday, February 22, 2015

Partial Atrophy, Local Hypertrophy, Local & Sectional Absent of the IPB Vs Pupil Flattenings - Rx - (supra) - 2

This is a partial atrophy inner pupillary border structure, it is worth to analyse and do some research what are their subtle relationship  between a local hypertrophy, absent & sectional absent of the IPB tissues conjunction to the pupil flatness as illustrated at the above conditions. Please consider the potential genetic weaknesses  in the aspects of physical, psychological and neuromuscular tension in spinal cord.
I suggest that the assessment of neurogenic structure, radial furrows, brown pigments & constricted collarette structure  that can be explained later...
I would recommend pay attention to the areas of central nervous system, spinal nerves and the chromosomes which can be retrieved  the information by analyzing the IPB structure, its tissues and pupil tonus ! Please analyze the below conditions :

a) What are the genetic characteristics of Partial Atrophy IPB structures ? 
b) Which Space Risk are involved in this condition ?
c) What type of morphology for this local hypertrophy  IPB tissue at 166' ? and could you identify which Space Risk is involved or attached to this IPB ?
d) Could you identify which spinal stress location / areas reflected by the identified Space Risks ? 
e) Explain the Pupil Flatness at Superior Temporal Flatness (STF), Medial Nasal Flatness (MNF) and Ventral Flatness (VF) in physical level.
f) Could you identify their correlations/ common genetic weaknesses for these 2 entities ?, that can be classified as core deficiencies for this patient.

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