Saturday, February 28, 2015

Frontal Flatness, Brown Pigment & Radial Furrow at 350' - Physical, Emotional, Time Risk, Embryology & Cellular Levels - Rx - (supra) - 4

Male, 62
Brown pigment indicate a tendency to liver and gall bladder deficiencies. In emotional aspect, it show an anger, suppression with expression and tendency to depression. When the pigment attached or co-sign with radial furrow at 350' it indicate a limbic system of  pituitary gland imbalance considered in embryological aspect. In psycho-emotional,  it carry an emotional pain of control issues, self-limitation, uneasy to letting go, tendency to depression and insomnia. The negative emotions enhanced by the frontal flatness and constricted collarette formation. 
In Time Risk concern, the experience of this deep seated emotional issues, happened at the age of 61.5 in recent time.
In cellular level, it concern with pyruvic acid imbalance associate with hepatic steatosis and insulin sensitivity / diabetes mellitus that can be seen and supported by melanin pigment and linear collarette at inferior nasal section ( refer Psycho-Emotional Evaluations - Rx - supra - 1).

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