Sunday, January 18, 2015

Space Risk & Pupil Flattenings - Rx - (ann) - 1

Female, 45
Family history of diabetes
Constipation, high cholesterol & sleep disorder
Please observe the multiple pupil flatness & local absent of the IPB and identify the potential genetic weaknesses for this person...
a) Space deficiency at 92'-100', 142', 228' & 285' as Space Risk 13, 14, 15, 19 & 10
b) Identify the physical weaknesses of Superior Nasal & Lateral Temporal Flatness, and compare it with Space Risk to find the correlations, for example:
- Lateral Temporal Flatness indicate predisposition to nervous breathing such as asthma, emotional heart problems and breast problem. This pupil flatness is correlate with Space Risk 10 that indicates genetic tendency to asthma, bronchitis and pulmonary problems.
- Space Risk 14 indicate pancreatic problem, tendency to blood sugar imbalance / diabetes.
- Iridologist should interview and record his/her patient's family medical history as details as possible.

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