Saturday, January 03, 2015

Schwalbe's Contraction Furrows - Emotional Anatomy & Time Risk Approaches - (vas) - Rx

Female, 62
Schwalbe's Contraction Furrows also called Radial Furrows which emanate from the external border of the collarette into the ciliary zones - 155', 205' & 350'. In this case, we emphasize on the radial furrow at 155' & 205', this patient has uterus & ovarian fibroid and has been removed couple of years ago, that can be shown by radial furrow at 155'. Could you analyse the Psycho-Emotional and Time Risk factors in this condition ?

a) Radial furrow located at 155' topography areas of uterus, the sign itself represent the experience of a deep and profound trauma at that point of time (calculation of Time Risk), and possible extreme stress on the physical body ( uterus & ovary fibroid). 
b) Psycho-emotional relates to loss of identify, guilt, fear of repression and link to issues to do with nurturing in relation with one's mother or feminine figure.

Observe the local indentation of the collarette by radial furrow at 205', this is an important multidimensional iris sign for Iridologist to understand about her profound deep level of emotional issues ! 
a) Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette Chart (John Andrews)
b) Time Risk Chart (Dr,Daniele Lo Rito)
c) Emotional Anatomy notes by John Andrews
d) Time Risk articles by John Andrews & Lo Rito 

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