Wednesday, January 07, 2015

Indented Lacunae & Internal Crypts at Pupillary Zone - Rx - (kar) - (3)

The indented lacunae attached on the external border of the collarette plus internal crypts / lacuna indicate this person has chronic condition of blood sugar imbalance / Diabetes, he has been encountered heart attacked four years ago, and now in medication with stable condition. As previous post had already shown the medial nasal flatness indicated a genetic weakness of cardiac stress.
The assessment as follow:
a) Indented lacunae at 255' & 280' indicate genetic  tendency to heart disease
b) Indented lacuna at 172' indicate kidney deficiency due to diabetes.
c) crypts located at internal collarette border - 203', 298' and 355' , in CAC analysis, it signify succinate, malic & pyruvic acids imbalance indicates tendency to diabetes mellitus, cardiac stress and chromium deficiency.
d) Minor ray (radial furrow) located at pupillary zone - 360' indicate as hypothalamus imbalance which amplified the inheritance weakness conditions.

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