Saturday, January 31, 2015

Lacunae & Crypts at the Internal & External of the Collarette - Rx - (sar) - 1

Female, 56
Could you identify which iris signs that you should set priority to analyse, either consider by it shapes,  location or both ? Which sign in term of it shape or location generate greater genetic impact for that individual ?
a) Lacuna attached at the border of the collarette 
b) An indentation of the lacuna toward to pupillary zone
c) Crypt attached border of the collarette
d) Internal lacuna at internal collarette border
e) Internal crypt at internal collarette border
f) The formation of Bridges crossing over the lacunae around the collarette border

Space Risk Vs Pupil Flattenings - Lx - (man) - 3

Please you identify which Space Risk - 249' or 263'  correlate with inferior temporal flatness  that indicate pancreatic dysfunction or blood sugar imbalance tendency ? If both signs have indicate the same weakness, we can strongly advice this person is inherited the above mentioned problem.. even thought it show no sign ( lacuna, crypt, radial furrow or local indentation) at the  pancreas topographical areas ( ciliary zone - border of the collarette). Sometime, we cannot aspect a diabetes person, it lacuna will show at the 4 corner of the pancreas reflexive zones !

Local Absent/Atrophy of the IPB - Lx - (man) - 2

Modern Iridologist must learn how to identify and differentiate the full, partial, sectional or local absent/atrophy of the inner pupillary border tissues, it can carry different meaning of interpretation. For this case, it is obvious to see that there are some LOCAL missing tissues along the IPB, technically it signify a space deficiency which relates to physiological weakness of organs & glands in the body system. This space deficiency indicate a pathology, physiological & psychological issue for that individual or family genetic history. In this case, you should measure the location and refer to Space Risk & IPB Spinal charts for identifying the Spaces & Spinal Vertebrae for interpretation.

Sectional Atropy of the IPB - Lx - (man) - 1

Could you explain the physical weakness tendency of this sectional atrophy / absent of the IPB ? Atrophy means the IPB diameter is less than 50 to 0 microns

Space Risk & IPB Spinal - Rx - (man)

Refer to out previous  post, the local absent of the IPB at 157' signify as Space Risk 25 & neuromuscular tension at spinal of sacrum areas,indicate joint pain and arthritis tendency.

Radial Furrows at Inside & Outside of the Collarette - Rx - (man) - 5

Observe which radial furrow can be identified as Multidimensional iris sign with analyzing in Time Risk, Emotional Dynamics , Embryology & Kreb's Cycle approaches ?

Pupil Flattening - Rx - (man) - 4

Please observe the multiple pupil flatness and explain it in physical & emotional levels...Could you link these to the previous findings of Space Risk & IPB morphologies ?

Extroflession of the IPB - Rx - (man) - 3

Identify this extroflession of the IPB at 250', what is the Space Risk associate with this space deficiency ?

IPB Morphologies - Rx - (man) - 2

Please identify the shape / morphology of these inner pupillary border tissues, one of them is correlate with the Space Risk finding...

Local Absent of the IPB - Space Deficiency - Rx - (man) - 1

Observe and analyse the local absent of the IPB at 157', what is the Space Risk relate to this deficiency ?

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Space Deficiency, IPB Morphology, Pupil Flatness, Kreb's Cycle, Time Risk & Classical Approaches - Rx - (man)

1) Identify the inner pupillary border tissues in term of it shape and space.
2) Observe the dynamics change of the pupil flatness.
3) Differentiate the radial furrows in major or minor ray formation radiate from the pupillary edge, pupillary zone, external collarette border and ciliary zone.

Space Risk & Local Indentation of the Collarette - Rx - (kap) - 4

Observe the local indentation of the collarette at 180' indicate tendency to kidney deficiency, could you identify which space deficiency / space risk - 136' or 240' is correlate with this weakness ? In this case the identified Space Risk will enhance the meaning of the weaknesses.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Space Risk, IPB Spinal & Pupil Flatness - Rx - (kap) - 3

Observe the Superior Temporal Flatness, space deficiency & IPB Spinal at 315', could you identify  which spinal area is under stress ?

Space Risk, Pupil Flatness & Local Collarette Structure - Rx - (kap) - 2

Male, 55
Constipation, indigestion
Please observe which iris signs indicate the above mentioned problems and identify the potential genetic weaknesses. I would suggest identify and explain local signs as follow:
- Local absent of the IPB at 136', 240' & 315'
- Superior Temporal Flatness
- Local indentation of the collarette at 180'
- Collarette bridge at inferior temporal section
- Rarefaction of the iris fibres and multiple crypts at pupillary zone in physiological aspect

Collarette Bridge in MI Approach - Rx - (kap) - 1

Male, 55
You may refer to John Andrews article on collarette bridge in physical explanation, In psycho-emotional aspect,  it also indicate a Time Risk sign by calculating the specific age at the mid-point of the collarette. In this case, the mid-point is at 230', the aged of 21.5, the person could experienced the emotional issue of bitterness or some physical exhaustion. 

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Neurogenic Structure- Rx - (cbc)

Please analyse this neurogenic type with lipemic diathesis / cholesterol ring around the limbus, which iris sign can you identify in different zones or layers of iris ?

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Heart Sign - Space Risk vs Pupil Flatness - Lx - (ann) - 3

Please identify which local absent of the IPB or space deficiency is correlate with the lateral temporal flatness that indicate genetic tendency to heart disease ?

Pupil Flatness , Space Risk & Lacuna - Rx - (ann) - 2

Space Risk at 285', Lateral Temporal Flatness & Lacuna attached on the external border of the collarette - 252' (lung / pancreas reflexive zone), these 3 iris signs are indicate genetic tendency to lung stress / asthma problem. In this case, the lacuna was attached on the border of the collarette / humoral zone normally it indicate endocrine or immunological imbalance instead of ciliary zone (lung zone), so it could be refer as pancreas lacuna !

Space Risk & Pupil Flattenings - Rx - (ann) - 1

Female, 45
Family history of diabetes
Constipation, high cholesterol & sleep disorder
Please observe the multiple pupil flatness & local absent of the IPB and identify the potential genetic weaknesses for this person...
a) Space deficiency at 92'-100', 142', 228' & 285' as Space Risk 13, 14, 15, 19 & 10
b) Identify the physical weaknesses of Superior Nasal & Lateral Temporal Flatness, and compare it with Space Risk to find the correlations, for example:
- Lateral Temporal Flatness indicate predisposition to nervous breathing such as asthma, emotional heart problems and breast problem. This pupil flatness is correlate with Space Risk 10 that indicates genetic tendency to asthma, bronchitis and pulmonary problems.
- Space Risk 14 indicate pancreatic problem, tendency to blood sugar imbalance / diabetes.
- Iridologist should interview and record his/her patient's family medical history as details as possible.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Space Deficiency, Pupil Tonus & Lacuna at Collarette Border - Lx - (rai)

Please identify the iris signs that are correlate in different iris zones with also identical to Rx findings...example as below
a) Superior Temporal Flatness correlate with lacuna at 43', both iris signs are indicate hearing problem.
b) Superior Nasal Flatness and lacuna at 32'-Rx indicate tendency to sinusitis problem.
c) Local absent of the IPB at 162'-Lx and 197'- Rx, both identical to indicate neuro-muscular tension at lumbar & coccyx areas and tendency to arthritis. 

Classical vs MI Approaches - Rx - (rai) - 5

Please refer back to the assessment results - (1), (2), (3) & (4) which can be correlated to the lacunae attached at the external border of the collarette - 100', 120', 150' & 183'. Let show you some examples :
a) Crypt at internal collarette border as Krebs Cycle sign - 67' & lacunae at 120', both are indicate blood sugar imbalance and genetic tendency to diabetes.
b) Space Risk 22 & lacuna at 150', indicate predisposition to uterus deficiency (uterine fibroid). 
* Please apply MI models to find their correlations so as to enhance the accuracy of the assessment*

Crypts at Internal Collarette Border - Rx - (rai) - 4

Crypt located at internal collarette border - 67' , this sign associated with aconitate acid imbalance indicate  blood sugar imbalance / diabetes that reflect to this person family inheritance weakness.  

The Combination of Pupil Flattenings & Space Risk Analysis - (rai) - 3

Observe the IPB Morphology, Space Risk & Inferior Nasal Flatness as follow :
a) Local indentation of the IPB at 347' signify as Space Risk 2
b) Local absent of the IPB at 145', 197' & 250' represent Space Risk 22, 25 & 19.
c) Tube shaped IPB
d)  The genetic deficiency of Space Risk 19, 22 & 25 is enhanced by Inferior Nasal Flatness which indicate the uro-genital problems (uterine fibroid) neuro-muscular tension at lumbar & coccyx and arthritis tendency.  

Lateral Temporal Flatness - Rx - (rai) - 2

Analyse the lateral temporal flatness that relate to her family genetic weaknesses..

Friday, January 16, 2015

Pupillary Flattenings and Local Absent, Indented & Tube IPB - Rx - (rai) - 1

Female, 53
Family medical history of diabetes, asthma and heart disease
Please identify the above mentioned genetic weaknesses by analyzing the pupil tonus, IPB morphology, space deficiency and signs at pupillary zone in conjunction with lacunae attached on the external border of the collarette.

Radial Furrow at 360' & Frontal Indentation Collarette - Rx - (poo) - 3

Please identify the psycho-emotional imbalance by analyse the radial furrow at 360' and frontal indentation of the collarette.

Crypts & Brown Pigment at Internal and Collarette Border - Rx - (poo) - 2

Observe the crypts at internal collarette border - 50' signify as Citric Acid Cycle & Embryological signs indicates citric acid imbalance, neurological dysfunction, lymphatic congestion, fatigue and spleen deficiency (refer the findings of (poo) - 1 ). A tiny brown pigment located on the collarette border - 80', this is an important implication of experiencing anger & resentment and traumatic issues at this point of time. Time Risk calculation is recommended. 

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Frontal Indentation & Linear Collarette - Rx - (poo) - (1)

Female, 38
Observe the frontal indentation of the collarette & linear formation at the medial nasal section. Explain their genetic tendency in physical & emotional levels...Please identify which local collarette border indicate the tendency of depression, migraine, neurological disturbances and hyperinsulinaemia ? Take note that frontal indentation of the collarette do not necessary indicates a prolapses of the transversal colon !

Zig-Zag Hypertrophy & Constricted Collarette - Lx & Rx - (gpk)



Explain the emotional aspects of zig-zag hypertrophy accompanied by partial constricted collarette at Lx & Rx...

Arrhythmia Sign - Rx - (gpk) - (1)

Female, 75
Cardiac dysrhythmia
Observe the pupillary applanation, which area or section cover a flatness that indicate the arrhythmia condition ?

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Pupil Flatness And Signs In Internal & External Border Of The Collarette - Rx - (wen)

Female, 42
Low Back Pain
Family history of colon cancer & diabetes 
Can you analyse the signs that indicate the above health issues ? What kind of potential genetic weakness on this right iris ?
Suggestions :
a) Pupil flatness at lateral temporal section. (Physical & Emotional)
b) Lacuna at internal collarette border - 280'. (Embryology & CAC)
c) Defect sign / crypts at internal collarette border - 40' & 55'. (Embryology & CAC)
d) Multiple lacunae attached on the ventral section of the collarette border. (Physical & Emotional) 
e) Space deficiency at 180' of the ventral IPB section. (Space Risk & IPB Spinal)