Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Gall Bladder Sign - Modern Iridology Approach - Rx - (amb)

Female, 60, Rx
Could you find an iris sign indicate she has encountered a gall bladder problem, and she claimed that has been removed 20 years ago, Please try to identify any possible sign starting from IPB structure, pupil, pupillary zone, external border of the collarette and to ciliary zone...

I suggest to observe the local structure of the inner pupillary border tissues, if you are familiar with Space Risk analyse probably can identify the "space deficiency" for the above mentioned problem. I would suggest majority of the core genetic weakness is stored / located on the IPB & Pupillary Zone. A comprehensive study on IPB structure & it Morphologies and  pupillary zone is recommended in  practicing Modern Iridology. I will demonstrate it later...

Introflession (indented toward pupil area) of the IPB, this space deficiency as Space Risk 11 indicate  gall bladder deficiency and nueromuscular tension at thoracic vertebrae T7.

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