Monday, December 29, 2014

Ventral Linear Collarette - Rx & Lx - (tck)


Observe the linear formation at the ventral section of the collarette, according to John Andrews it indicate strong blood sugar imbalance tendency manifested in utero.

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Blood Sugar Imbalance Sign - Space Deficiency - Lx - (len)

Refer to the previous post, the hypertrophy of the IPB structure and M sign IPB are indicate family genetic history of blood sugar imbalance. Please find one of the IPB structure on the iris was also indicated the above mentioned inheritance weakness.

The local absent of the inner pupillary border tissue at 262' signify as Space Risk 14 which indicate predisposition to blood sugar imbalance.

Saturday, December 27, 2014

The Frontal Neuroendocrine IPB Tissues - Rx - (len)

Some of the morphologies tissues appeared in solitary form and usually unilateral sign, they are tend to present in the frontal section of the IPB tissues. Please identify the morphologies were attached on the frontal aspect of the IPB...If you identified a distortion, deviation or multiple morphologies on the frontal section of the IPB that indicate your client genetically facing more emotional issues, physical deficiency, endocrine imbalance, PNEI inequilibrium, poor reserve energy and psychosomatic difficulties. ( Please refer John Andrews & Dr.Daniele Lo Rito notes on Inner Pupillary Border & igts Morphologies)

Friday, December 26, 2014

Extroflession IPB & Constricted Collarette - (amb) - Lx

Explain the genetic weakness of  extroflession (extended) of IPB with double tissues formation at 94' and contracted structure of the collarette in physiological & emotional aspects ?
Suggestions :
a) Identify the Space Deficiency, please refer to Space Risk Chart by Dr.Daniele Lo Rito.
b) Explain the physical & emotional level of Contracted Collarette Structure.
c) Pay attention to the  psycho-emotional impact on Double IPB tissues Vs Constricted Collarette. 

- Extroflession of the IPB at 94 signify as Space Risk 13 indicate gastrointestinal disturbances.
- Contracted Collarette structure indicates a tendency to constipation and lymphatic fluids stagnation at intestines. In Psycho-emotional aspect, Contracted Collarette & Double IPB, they have an inherited tendency to anxiety, very self-contained and inward looking.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Gall Bladder Sign - Modern Iridology Approach - Rx - (amb)

Female, 60, Rx
Could you find an iris sign indicate she has encountered a gall bladder problem, and she claimed that has been removed 20 years ago, Please try to identify any possible sign starting from IPB structure, pupil, pupillary zone, external border of the collarette and to ciliary zone...

I suggest to observe the local structure of the inner pupillary border tissues, if you are familiar with Space Risk analyse probably can identify the "space deficiency" for the above mentioned problem. I would suggest majority of the core genetic weakness is stored / located on the IPB & Pupillary Zone. A comprehensive study on IPB structure & it Morphologies and  pupillary zone is recommended in  practicing Modern Iridology. I will demonstrate it later...

Introflession (indented toward pupil area) of the IPB, this space deficiency as Space Risk 11 indicate  gall bladder deficiency and nueromuscular tension at thoracic vertebrae T7.

Collarette Bridges & Solitary Lacuna at 235' - Lx - (ree)

Observe the solitary lacuna at 235' which correlate with the collarette bridges, both enhance the meaning of the weakness.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Crypt at 65', Inferior Temporal Flatness & Local Indentation Collarette at 230'-250' - Rx - (ree)

Observe the crypt / defect sign located at pupillary zone - 65' signify as citrate acid imbalance, an inferior temporal of pupil flatness and local indentation of the collarette - 230'-250', combine with these findings indicate predisposition to progesterone deficiency, lymphatic congestion, renal metabolism disturbances, liver stress involvement, polycystic ovary syndrome due to reduced liver function, blood sugar imbalance and  lumbar irritation (L4-L5). 
a) Refer to Kreb's Cycle Iris Chart, a sign at pupillary zone - 65' associate with citrate acid imbalance. Please refer John Andrews notes on Cellular Iridology.
b) Explain the physical, emotional and spinal deficiency of inferior temporal flatness.
c) Local indentation of the collarette at 230'-250' indicate tendency to liver & gall bladder insufficiency,  and pancreas dysfunction. This also signify as multidimensional sign which can be analyzed and explained in Time Risk, Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette ( issues of anger & betrayal ) and Kreb's cycle breakdown (Coenzyme Q imbalance).

Monday, December 22, 2014

Inferior Temporal Flatness Vs Linear Collarette Bridge - Lx - (lct) - 2

Could you explain why the inferior temporal of pupil flatness  enhanced the main genetic weakness of linear & collarette bridge ? Please refer John Andrews notes on these 2 iris signs... 

Linear Collarette with Bridge Formation - Lx - (lct) - 1

Please explain the sectional linear collarette with bridge formation, what are their general deficiency tendency and common genetic weakness ?
In addition, this combination can be related to immunological imbalance, Dirk Hamer Syndrome & Time Risk sign for consideration. 

Partial Atrophy IPB, Pupil Flatness, Distended Collarette, Linear & Collarette Bridges - Rx - (lct)

Observe the IPB structure, pupil tonus, loose iris fibers at pupillary zone, distended, linear & collarette bridges...what can you link with these iris signs ?

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Pupil Flatness, Collarette Structure & Crypts - Rx - (sua)

Observe the pupil flatness, the local collarette structure & crypts at external border of the collarette. We should also  pay attention to the structure of the IPB.

a) An atrophy IPB structure (refer John Andrews or Lo Rito's IPB notes)
b) Observe a multiple pupil flatness at 1 & 2 ( analyse in physical, emotional & spinal aspects)
c) Identify the meanings / genetic weakness of local collarette structure with 3 & 4 (modern iridology)
d) Analyse the multiple crypts at internal & external border of the collarette at 5, 6, 7 & 8 (classical & modern)
Suggest to combine the above findings and find the common one that will potentially indicate the core genetic weakness for this person...