Saturday, July 19, 2014

The Stress Axis, Solitary Lacuna, Yellow Pigmented & Squared Collarette - Rx - (sph)

Rx, Female
Please compare and identify the correlations of classical & multidimensional iridology approaches :
1) Lymphatic Constitution, Neurogenic Disposition, Hydrogenoid Diathesis.
2) Multiple Brushfield's spot in the iris limbus (hydrogenoid) indicate tendency for lymphatic congestion, immune compromise and sensitivities.
3) Contraction Furrows 
4) Moderate level of Radial Furrows 
5) The Stress Axis - Radial Furrow at 360'/0' & 180' indicate Hypothalamus, Pituitary & Adrenal glands imbalance indicate experience of adverse reactions,  poor adaptability to stress and autoimmune related disease.
6) Squared Collarette indicate a family history of autoimmune diabetes mellitus, compromised adrenal and anxiety syndromes.
7) Yellow Pigmented Collarette is a classic sign for renal insufficiency, but perhaps we should reassign our focus, as the overburden on  the kidneys are the end result of intestinal dysbiosis & a mesenchymal acid barrier.
8) An important of solitary closed lacuna attached on the external border of the collarette at 275' indicate predisposition to cardiovascular risk. Time Risk marking .
9) Scurf Ring is observed around the iris limbus.

a) Major Rays at 360' & 180'  can be classified as multidimensional iris signs, if we concentrate on pupillary zone or internal collarette border. In embryological approach, radial furrow at 360'& 180' represent hypothalamus, adrenal and kidneys stress. In cellular level, it associate with Pyruvic acid imbalance which concern with diabetes mellitus and hepatic compromise tendency.
b) Minor ray / radial furrow at pupillary zone - 20'  also indicate Pyruvic acid imbalance.
c) Observe a diffuse melanin/ brown pigment located at the border of the collarette, it also represent a multidimensional sign :
    - In psycho-emotional aspect it relate to anger, suppression of expression and issue of betrayal. 
    - Time Risk marking
d) Solitary lacuna attached on the border of the collarette at 275' indicate potential of emotional suppression and experiencing traumatic or emotional stress at the aged of 14 +/-
e) Medial Nasal Pupil Flatness indicates tendency to breathing difficulties ( observe some rarefaction of iris fibres at bronchials reflexive zone), thyroid gland imbalance and family cardiac history of Arrhythmia and Angina pectoris.

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