Friday, July 11, 2014

Identify of Genetic Signs - Rx - (amir)

Female, 8
a) Explain the contraction furrows at lateral temporal section of  the iris, identify it potential genetic weakness or consider as normal condition ?
b) Does it labeled as  Anxiety Tetanic which formed by circular contraction furrows, which caused by enlarged pupil that pushing the iris fibres overlapping in wavy forms towards to limbus zones ?
c) Is that consider normal as the pupil is enlarged or dilation formed Mydriasis for this little girl ?
d) Observe the collarette structure, which local structure attract you attention ?
e) Could you suggest one of the major family inheritance weakness on this iris ?

One of the major genetic weakness tendency from this iris are the linear collarette located at the superior & inferior temporal section of the collarette, it indicate a family history of insulin resistance and hyperprolactinaemia tendencies.

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