Saturday, June 14, 2014

Orange Pigments, Multi-Bridged, Linear & Distended Collarette Structure - Rx - (dad) - b

Observe the orange pigments at pupillary zone, multiple linear, bridges with distended collarette structure. Some important iris signs highlighted as follow:
a) Waterfall orange pigment at pupillary zone - 158'
b) Orange pigment co-sign with lacuna attached on the external border of the collarette at 145' - Time Risk & Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette marking !
c) Explain the Parental Resentment of pigment at stomach zone.
d) Determine the Predominant DNA for Distended Collarette
e) Multi-Bridged at ventral section of the collarette
f) Linear Collarette corresponded to orange pigments
g) Solitary brown pigment at ciliary zone - 60'
h) Correlate the above findings with identified IPB morphology - An External Curvature IPB ( Cat's Claw IPB )

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