Friday, May 16, 2014

Orange Pigment, Collarette Bridge & Crypt at Internal Collarette Border - 180' - Lx

Female, left
Please analyse these three iris signs located at ventral section of the collarette aligned at 180' degree.
a) Orange pigment at stomach zone
b) Collarette Bridge crossing a cry
c) Crypt located at ventral internal collarette border

These three iris signs can be analyse & apply in various iridological aspects. I will demonstrate in more details, refined and comprehensive way of  explaining this presentation.

a) Orange pigment located at pupillary zone adjacent to the edge of IPB
- Generally, Orange Pigmentation /Lipochrome relate to pancreatic and hepatic functions, a family medical history of Diabetes mellitus & dysglytcaemia tendency is affirmative.
- In Classical view, this relate to stomachs stress and possible in chronic condition.
- In Modern Iridology view, this location is Breast topography areas, it indicate breast related problems, possible in pain or severe condition, potential of breast carcinoma problem. I will relate this to re-confirm with other signs !
- In emotional perspective,  pigment located at stomach zone relate to resentment or crystallization with one's father.
- Orange pigment also relate to betrayal issues, in this case this happened with prominent male figure.
- If you observe carefully, the pigment is adjacent to the edge of IPB, which mean relate to Space Risk evaluation ! It signified as Space Risk 26  it indicate hemorrhoids and sigmoid diverticulosis, possible in pain or severe chronic condition ! This finding is also confirm by a crypt located at sigmoid colon - 180' !!
b) Collarette Bridge at 180'
- Local Collarette Bridge formation, firmly indicate a family genetic history of blood sugar imbalance and pancreas dysfunction. This inherited condition enhanced by orange pigment.
- TIME RISK marking at 180', the traumatic events or deep seated emotional issues - anger & resentment and unresolved betrayal issues, triggered at the age of 29 to 30 !
c) Crypt located at ventral internal collarette border - 180' 
- Classical view in relation to sigmoid colon disturbances.
- In Embryological approach, this is an important iris sign to indicate predisposition to breast problems, possible breast cancer, that is also confirmed by the orange pigment located at pupillary zone nearest to the edge of IPB !
- In Cellular level, this sign is associate with Pyruvic acid imbalance, which indicate diabetes mellitus and hepatic steatosis. These inherited weaknesses also amplified by orange pigmentation !

I encourage that a practitioner should practice the skills of combining the different zones of iris signs by applying  Modern & Advanced Multidimensional Iridology which is able to enhance the meanings of each other and increase the accuracy of iris assessment .  

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