Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Melanin Pigments Intercept with Contraction Furrows - Rx - (g3)

Explain 2 melanin pigments intercept with radial furrows at 165' & 200', what are the major stress and psycho-emotional deficiency ?

Let us review some famous iridologist views on Contraction Furrows:
a) Josef Deck indicates CFs as a psychosomatics etiology and neuromuscular irritability.
b) Theodore Kriege suggested that CFs indicate poor blood circulation and muscular tension of organ or tissue sectors concerned.
c) Emilio Ratti’s suggested CFs indicates gastric cramps, anxiety and endocrine disturbances.
d) Joachim Broy indicates CFs is hereditary signs and indicates tendencies to neuromuscular tension and changes in the circulation of blood and lymphatic.

In this case, I would recommend that melanin pigments attached on the contraction furrows at 165’ & 200’ indicates regeneration on kidneys function and neuromuscular tension on pelvis areas. Psycho-emotional relates to chronic anxiety, anger & resentment, fear of mortality and sexual dysfunction.

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