Thursday, May 08, 2014

Frontal Collarette Structure & Pupillary Zone - Emotional Dynamics Views

An illustration of identifying the Emotional Dynamics of the collarette structure in Modern Iridological approaches:
 Please try answer the below questions :
a) Which combination of iris sign indicate family medical history of pancreas dysfunction ?
b) Observe the collarette structure which local iris sign indicate a genetic predisposition to insomnia, depression and anxiety ? 
c) Which iris sign is a predominant factor contribute to this  psycho-emotional genetic problems ?
d) The Yellow Pigmented was found at the frontal collarette,  could you explain in emotional level ? 
e) Calculate the traumatic events / Time Risk based on local collarette structure.
f) Which iris sign is associate with betrayal and impatience issues ?
h) Identify which local collarette structure is relation to Immune Cell & PNEI evaluation ?

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