Sunday, May 04, 2014

Brown Pigment Co-Sign with Double Lacunae - Lx

Observe a solitary brown pigment located in between of internal & external border of the collarette which accompanied with double lacunae at 275' to 285'. This concentrated brown pigment viewed as Multidimensional Iridology sign , it enhance by the double lacunae located at the external collarette border of heart reflexive area . Please apply the MI analysis techniques for the above condition ( you can refer the previous post at )

Double lacunae attached to the border of the collarette - 275'~285' indicate family history of heart disease and this genetic weakness enhanced & amplified by the co-sign with solitary brown pigment at internal collarette border. This person has a great potential inherited of this genetic weakness of cardiovascular risk.  In cellular level, the pigment associate with Malic acid imbalance and indicate fatigue and dysglycaemia tendency.
Psycho-emotional relates to suppression of expression and resentment. The potential of this deep-seated emotional stress or happened at the  age of 13 or 73 (depending on this person current age)

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