Monday, February 10, 2014

Pupil Flattenings, The Perpendicular Axis, Misshapen with Multiple Local Indentation of the Collarette - Lx - (kama)

Observe the local pupil flatness adjacent to the local indentation of the collarette that will enhance the meanings of each other from this erratic distended collarette structure, please elaborate these via applying multidimensional approaches ? What is the dominant parental DNA ? What is the implication of radial furrow formed  in Perpendicular Axis ? Explain the general genetic tendency for this Atrophy IPB structure ? Please identify one of a space deficiency that is attached under this IPB structure ? 

We can analyse this iris sample by divided into 2 groups - Group A leading by Lateral Temporal Flatness and Group B by Ventral & Inferior Nasal Flatness with finding the adjacent iris signs at pupillary zone, internal collarette structure and external border of the collarette. The purpose is to determine the interrelation and interconnection of iris signs that can enhance the meanings of each other under the modern iridological approaches.
The best way to learn about Multidimensional  Iridology is to transform the knowledge into action and practice. By posting questions it may instigate reader to understand & explore more thoroughly of these dynamics subjects !
1) Observe the Group A entities / iris signs - 
a) which iris sign do you think is set priority and vital to be analysed ? Think about "Inside-Out" concept - The most deeper genetic impact is against from which level or iris zone ? Central Nervous System-Embryological-Cellular-Emotional-Physical or Physiological 
b) The Lateral Temporal Pupil Flatness indicate predisposition to circulatory problems, asthma, breast problem and cardiovascular stress which iris signs are interrelated to contribute these genetic weaknesses ? Consider the local indentation of the collarette - 105' & radial furrow at 30' that enhance the meanings of these genetic deficiencies to each other !
c) Could you explain the local indentation of the collarette at 105' in relation to classical, Embryological, Cellular, Time Risk & The Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette approaches ?
d) Explain the correlation if we combine the lacuna attached on the external border of the collarette - 60' & collarette bridge ?
e) Please refine the potential genetic impact on radial furrow / major ray at 30' radiate from the IPB edge crossing pupillary to ciliary zone in access of MI models ? What kind of emotional struggle if stress in medulla Oblongata ?
f) The local absent of the IPB at 60' signify as Space Risk 6, what is this physical weakness ?  
g) If I suggest this person is predisposition to renal disturbances inherited by paternal DNA, could you explain why ? and from which combination of iris signs that support this hypothesis ? Consider the embryological sign at 95', local indentation of the collarette at 195' & inferior nasal flatness !
I hope you can consider to answer the above questions, maybe you have other approach to analyse and can disagree my points. Use this exercise to practice your sensitivity, flexibility and transform your knowledge into action ! 

2) Observe the Group B iris signs - 
a) Ventral Pupil Flatness indicate neuromuscular tension from L3 (Lumbar Vertebrae) to the sacrum and coccyx areas. Hip, knees & pelvic problems, varicose veins, prolapsed uterus and osteoporosis problems. Please take note the adjacent crypt located at the cervix topography areas - 160' This potentially illustrate a family history of cervical problem. 
b) Inferior Nasal Flatness can indicate predisposition to sacral, lumbar & coccyx stress, renal disturbances, polycystic kidneys, urinary infections, uterine fibroid and cervical dysplasia tendency. Local indentation of the collarette at 195', crypt at 160' and radial furrow at 220' and embryological sign at 245', they all are contribute to these inheritance weakness tendencies.
c) When we observe the perpendicular axis formed by radial furrows which indicate the adjacent  organs should be noticed.
d) Again, the local indentation of the collarette at 195' & 235' as a multidimensional iris sign ! Please apply MI models for interpretation.
e) Could you identify the minor ray at pupillary zone - 310' is associate with what CAC imbalance ?
f) Please identify which structural signs that attached on the border of the collarette are relate to anger & resentment and conflict issues with maternal side ?
g) Actually, there are numerous  emotional epigenetic issues can be explored on this erratic collarette structure by applying Time Risk & The Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette for advance evaluation.
h) Please determine the location of neuromuscular tension on spinal vertebrae by observing the highlighted pupil flatness & space risk 6 !

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