Thursday, February 06, 2014

Distortion of Frontal IPB Structure, Hypertrophy, Neurolappen, Local Absent, Globular & Depigmented IPB Tissues Vs Multiple Pupil Flattenings

a) Explain the distortions, irregular , less intact and uniform of the frontal IPB structure by a localised absent, hypertrophy and multiple neurolappen of the IPB tissues. what are the potential of neuroendocrine imbalance tendencies for these deviations ?
b) Could you identify a solitary Globular sign located at ventral section of the inner pupillary border tissues. 
c) Could you identify what are the major genetic impact derived from the morphologies ? Which morphologies that indicate the same genetic deficiency for this patient ?
d) What are the manifestations or genetic tendencies of depigmented IPB ?
e) Can you explain the above findings in emotional level ?
f) Which areas of pupil flatness is correlate with the above identified morphology that amplified the genetic impact on this person ? and what type of deficiency tendency ?
g) We will use the above findings - IPB Morphologies & Pupil Flatness to measure the genetic impacts of lacunae attached on the border of the collarette !!

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