Monday, February 03, 2014

Classical Lacuna & Local Indentation of the Collarette in Modern Iridology Approaches - Rx, Lx - (wsw)

Family medical history of heart disease ( father & brother died caused by heart problems). The classical heart lacuna attached on the external border of the collarette at 280'- Rx. Could you explain what is a correlation of a local indentation of the collarette at 185'-Lx ? You may analyse this by considering apply the Multidimensional Iridology Models - 
a) Classical indentation of the collarette in physical level - adrenal exhaustion with fear and stress negative emotions !
b) Emotional Dynamics of the collarette at this epigenetic point -  concern with feeling of fear !
c) Consideration of Embryological level  in possibility of uterus deficiency tendency.
d) Cellular level associate with certain Citric Acid Cycle imbalance that relate to heart function - Succinate acid dysfunction.
e) Time Risk marking - suppression of expression, anger, suffering of profound loss, bereavement in response to life event at the specific age - 185' (please calculate the potential time of stress/traumatic event). 
By combining the findings of these 2 irises, it provide more clearer picture of this person and you may refer these as a guideline to gain more understanding about her situation in physical, physiological & psycho-emotional level. The study of the emotional dynamics of the collarette structure & Time Risk are vital important to understand a person's  epigenetic condition.

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