Sunday, January 05, 2014

Familial Genetic Weaknesses - Rx - (varne)

Female, 48 (daughter)
- Emotional stress & tension
- Sore throat problem
- Mother (parv) was diabetes since 10 years ago - Please refer to previous post - parv - Rx & Lx-iris
- Grandmother passed away due to ovarian cancer - Please refer to previous post - parv, her mother was diagnosed predisposition to ovarian stress, Diabetes Mellitus and heart disease problems !
Please examine the iris sample, this client is carried the same genetic weaknesses from her mother & grandmother ! Be noted that, the contraction furrows on ciliary zone does not indicate this person is experiencing an emotional stress & tension. 

Could you identify what type of this lacuna ? a linear tip formation starting from the ventral section of the external border of the collarette into the ciliary zone. The lacuna was intercepted by radial furrows it showing a focus of stress, tension and regeneration particular of this organ ! Please refer to the previous post - (parv) - Lx & Rx. A study & record of  familial medical history is important when doing iris assessment ! Can you figure out what type of lacuna and kind of  genetic weakness carried by this lady ?

a) An important embryological sign at pupillary zone - 360'  indicates stress in Hypothalamus & Amgdala glands in the limbic system that are linked to emotion and aggression.  The amgdala functions is to fear response that directly relate to a person emotional condition of stress & tension. So, if an iris surrounded by contraction furrows it does not mean this person is under stress ! You have to look for it terminate or converge areas !
b) Crypts located at internal collarette border - 230' & 290' could be explained in classical, embryological & cellular levels. In this case, it relate more to embryological & Citric acid Cycle levels. Embryologically concerns with blood sugar imbalance & pharynx/larynx related problems. Krebs Cycle associate with Succinate & Malic acids imbalance indicates Diabetes Mellitus, stress, heart related problems & fatigue.
c) Local indentation of the collarette at 140' classical view predisposition to uterus stress, in cellular iridology relate to Succinyl-CoA acid imbalance predominantly  signify Diabetes Mellitus in this case ! Consider Time Risk evaluation as well !
d) Multiple Linear collarette amplify the genetic weakness on pancreas of blood sugar imbalance and hyperprolactinaemia tendencies.
e) Back to our previous question, what type of this lacuna located ventrally at 245' which intercept by contraction furrow ? I would suggest this is an Aparagus Lacuna that importantly indicate a possible carcinoma, polyposis or cysts in the uterus which correlate with our finding on an indentation of the collarette at 140' ! ( take note her grandmother was died of uterus cancer).

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