Monday, January 20, 2014

Citric Acid Cycle Sign at 215' Vs Linear Collarette - Rx - (chng)

Please explain the correlation factor of embryological sign (crypt) at internal collarette border - 215' with linear formation at ventral & inferior nasal section of the collarette. 
If you find more than one iris sign which are indicate the same genetic weakness in psychological, embryological and cellular level then it significantly revealed a person is carried a vital genetic impact by his/her parents and generations. The citric acid cycle sign at 215'  associate with Succinyl-CoA acid imbalance signify a predisposition to Diabetes Mellitus which correlate with linear formation at ventral & inferior nasal section of the collarette. Moreover, we can find any topographical areas of  pancreas lacuna attached on the border of the collarette ! I would suggest you should look beyond the physical of classical level, because most of the vital genetic sign was deposited on the above mentioned levels ! In my opinion, 80% of the major genetic inheritance signs were stored within the IPB, Pupil & Collarette domains.

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