Tuesday, October 01, 2013

Thyroid Dysfunction Sign - Rx - (gse)

This person is affected by thyroid gland dysfunction about the aged of 42. Could you find an iris sign that is genetically relate to this problem ? You may try to look for this thyroid sign beyond the classical approach.The patient does not tell me about her thyroid problem in the first place, and she even forgot this problem as she was recovered few years ago. In practice, this inheritance weakness indicating to personal, family medical history and can be traced up to 4 generations. So, I recommend to check her children and siblings irises as well..
Suggestions on how to identify an important iris sign via applying Multidimensional Iridology as follow:
1) First thing First ! Analyse the diameter of IPB structure it will give you an overall genetic characteristics about this person, because it represent more accurate tendencies than traditional Iris Constitution Types by Structure, Dispositions & Diathesis.
The diameter of IPB can be classified as:
- Normotrophic
- Hypertrophy
- Hypotrophy
- Atrophy
- Partial Atrophy
- Mixed Border
2) The 2nd steps to identify and analyse it morphologies, a different shapes of IPB represent an accurate genetic information to a practitioner, they indicate a profound guides for physical pathologies and psycho-emotional traits.
3) The structure of IPB also represents a space dimension deficiency, it indicate a pathology, genetic inheritance history and psycho-emotional issues for that individual, according to the type of change in the structure of the IPB and it location. It also indicating the spinal vertebrae deficiency or neuro-muscular tension on 26 "spaces" of spinal cord. 
The Space Risk can be identified in local "mechanism" as:
- Introflession
- Extroflession
- Hypertrophy   
- Absence
- Pigmentation adjacent to the IPB
You have to equip with high magnification via iris microscope and correct illumination lamps and digital camera with at least 10 mega pixels.
4) The 3rd steps to identify an important iris sign in embryological & cellular levels via observing sign at pupillary zone and internal collarette border.
5) The 4th look for small, tiny and solitary iris sign attached on the external border of the collarette, as it reflect endocrine system imbalance.
6) Conglomerate all your findings then look for "combination" & "correlation" signs that it can enhance the accuracy and amplify the meanings of the findings !

Local absent of the IPB at 302' signify Space Risk 7 indicate personal predisposition and family genetic history of thyroid gland dysfunction and potential of neuromuscular tension at Thoracic Vertebrae - T12.

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