Monday, October 07, 2013

Melanin Pigment at Internal Collarette Border - Multidimensional View - Lx - (kass)

Observe this solitary & small melanin pigment topolabile located on the internal border of the collarette, it represent multilevel of meanings  on  physical, gastrointestinal system, psycho-emotional, emotional-epigenetic, embryological, Time Risk, DHS & Cellular levels. Please interpret this melanin pigment located at the dynamics of the collarette in modern multidimensional iridological views.
a) Melanin pigment indicate tendency to liver and gall bladder deficiency.
b) Emotionally relates to depression and expression of anger & resentment. In Parental Resentment analysis, his suppressed emotional of anger & resentment is concerned with female figure or the mother principle, why ? You may find this answer by refer to John Andrews research articles related to "Parental Resentment Emotional" issues.
c) Unresolved issue of betrayal in Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette analysis.
d) Time Risk marking, traumatic / emotional block as above mentioned at the aged of 36.5.
e) Embryological relate to kidneys insufficiency.
f) Dirk Hamer Syndrome concern with colon disturbances.
g) Gastrointestinal system indicating to sigmoid colon disturbances. 
h) Kreb's Cycle dysfunction associate with Succinyl-CoA acid imbalance indicative of Diabetes Mellitus, cardiac function, mitochondrial dysfunction tendencies.
John Andrews stated that pigments within the Pupillary Zone & on the Collarette carry greater significance in the majority of cases. The pigments can relate to limbic, immune, gastrointestinal, metabolic or endocrine alterations and can have an embryological developmental basis.

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