Sunday, October 27, 2013

IPB Morphologies, Pupil Flattening & Radial Furrows at Pupillary & Ciliary Zone - Lx - (sara)

Observe the multiple shaped of IPB tissues, pupil flatness and multiple major & minor rays located at pupillary & ciliary zone. Could you identify which solo or group Radial Furrows formed a condition as follow:
1) Stress Axis - HPA Axis
2) Epigenetic-emotional 
3) Hypertension tendency
4) Survival Issue
5) Time Risk Markings & Co-Sign
6) Embryological Sign
7) Citric Acid Cycle Imbalance
8) The Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette
Please identify the epigenetic signs concern with emotional issues in family history - parents, siblings, relatives & ancestors. Take note when a radial furrow is located at pupillary zone & penetrated to the collarette border !

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