Friday, October 04, 2013

IPB, Collarette Structure, Pupillary Zone & Peripheral Signs - Rx - (gane)

Observe the inner pupillary border tissues, collarette structure, breaks or converge contraction furrows and corneal arcus covered at ventral section of ciliary to limbus zone. 
a) Identify the hypertrophy of the IPB at superior nasal section - 30' to 60' . This introflession of the IPB leading to what genetic weakness to this person ?
b) Can you identify what type of morphology attached to this IPB ? 
c) Crypts at pupillary zone - 140', 247' & 285', consider analyse these in embryological & cellular levels. Can you seen Stairstep lacuna at 140' ?
d) Multiple contraction furrows breaks in this topographical areas, what does it means ?
e) Corneal Arcus concentrated at ventral section of iris limbus, what indication for this genetic formation ? We called this genetic sign as "Ventral Arcus".
f) Could you explain what genetic weakness for constricted collarette in physical & psycho-emotional levels plus this person is inherited by paternal or maternal DNA predominant ?

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