Saturday, October 05, 2013

Inner Pupillary Border & Pupil Flattenings - Rx - (selv)

Female, 37
Can you identify which iris sign is most importance to be highlighted and significant for this person ? What type of health advises can you give for this person ? Any correlation iris signs can be identify to enhance you findings via classical, embryological and cellular approaches ? What is the dominant DNA inheritance by this person ? 

Modern Iridologist is advise to set priority for observing and analysing the IPB structure, shapes and it morphologies caused it vital to represent hereditary, chromosomes & spinal nerve, and then moving to pupil and other iris zones. The constricted collarette is indicate maternal DNA predominant. Please try to identify and explain your finding on IPB & pupil flattenings, also take note linear collarette and lacuna attached on the external border of the collarette at 80'.
The IPB & pupil analysis as below:
a) Squared IPB indicate personal predisposition and family medical history of hypothyroidism.
b) Anchor IPB indicate post-operative adhesion's such as colostomy, endometrioisi, appendectomy , & spinal surgery or the neuromuscular tension at spinal cord can be shown by local absent of IPB at 112' & 252' and Superior Temporal Flatness - Thoracic vertebrae ( C2 to C7). Please take not the frontal flatness indicates tendencies for headache, migraine, upper cervical vertebral tension, insomnia  fatigue and depression.
c) Heart IPB indicate a potential family medical history of Fibromyalgia.
d) Local absent of the IPB at 112' & 252' signify Space Risk 16 & 15 indicates tendency to adrenals & spleen insufficiency.
e) & f) Squared IPB indicates a genetic tendency to thyroid dysfunction.

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