Thursday, September 19, 2013

Iris Sign On Hematogenic Iris Constitution - Lx - (joth)

Please observe the inner pupillary border tissues, what type of morphology can it be identified ?

Could you identify the morphology and space dimension on this inner pupillary border tissues ? They are importance sign and should set priority for analyse regardless of any iris constitution. The analysis of IPB structure and its morphologies supersede any iris sign located out of this embryological terrain...  What sort of genetic weaknesses in organs or glands and potential neuromuscular tension in spinal cord inherited by this person ? Please refer to John Andrews & Dr.Daniele Lo Rito's textbooks & charts on IPB morphologies, IPB Spinal & Space Risk for reference. 
The identification of IPB morphologies & space dimension deficiency in spinal cord, physical organs & emotional imbalance as below:
a) Omega shape IPB.
b) Local absence of the IPB at 298', 304' & 309' signify Space Risk 8 & 7.
Please refer John Andrews & Dr. Daniele Lo Rito's textbook for explanation on Omega IPB, IPB Spinal and Space Risk 8 & 7 in physical and emotional levels !

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