Friday, August 09, 2013

Space Risk, Embryology & The Collarette Structure - Rx - (vija)

Female, 57
- Breast Problem
- Hearing difficulty
- High Cholesterol
- Diabetes Mellitus Type 2
- Gastrointestinal disturbances
Please identify an iris and pupillary signs that relate to her current health problems ? Beside of her predispose deficiency, what else can you find a potential iris sign to reflect her family genetic weakness tendencies ? Please pay more attention to a crypt located at different iris zones, again it indicate as multidimensional sign for practitioner to explore...Please look for your client potential inheritance weaknesses beside of the acquired problems. Take for below example -

The local absent of the inner pupillary border signify it as Space Risk, this given space deficiency indicates as potential weakness, pathology and genetic history in physical & emotional issues for that individual according to a space and structure in the IPB which measure by a 360' degree of location. To fulfill the Space Risk assessment, the IPB structure must genetically structured in a condition of :
a) Local absent adjacent to the IPB tissue
c) Introflession, the IPB structure was indented toward to pupil.
d) Extroflessio, the IPB tissue was extruded to the pupillary zone.
e) Local hypertrophy of the IPB.
f) Pigment located or adjacent to the IPB.
Measure these local absent of IPB, identify the Space Risk and find different iris sign which also contribute to the same weakness that can amplify your findings, look for below example -

The local Space Risk at medial nasal section of IPB is correlate with indented lacuna attached on the external border of the collarette - 300'. Please refer to Space Risk & Iridology charts... 

a) Local absence of the IPB at 317' & 80'-90' leading to evaluation of Space Risk 6, 11 & 12, it indicates neuromuscular pain at neck & shoulder, gall bladder and liver stress. 
b) Crypt located at pupillary zone - 300' embryologically relate to gall bladder deficiency
c) Sharp indentation of the collarette at 240' indicate liver stress involvement which amplify by Space Risk 12 !
d) An indented lacuna at 325' indicate ear related problems, such as hearing and balancing.
e) Both indented collarette at 240' & 325' consider as multidimensional signs associate with Time Risk, Citric Acid Cycle, Immune Cell & PNEI and Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette evaluation.
@ Time Risk - potential traumatic events happened at the aged of 20 & 5.8
@ Psycho-emotional concerns with betrayal and survival issues.
@ In cellular level, it concern with Fumarate & Oxaloacetate acid imbalance indicating potential of fungal diseases, fatigue, hepatic stress, impaired liver function and hyper cholesterol production.
@ Immunological relate to Kupffer Cells  deficiency - 240'
f) Please take note the embryological signs at 210' & 270' , both are importance sign indicate predisposition to bladder deficiency and breast related problems !
g) Crypt at internal border collarette, embryological concern with blood sugar imbalance.
h) The Zig-Zag collarette & multiple crypts located at pupillary zone (stomach & colon), predispose to gastrointestinal disturbances !

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