Saturday, August 03, 2013

Iris Signs at IPB, Pupillary Zone, Internal & External Border of the Collarette - (YJ) - Rx

Male, 39
- Cholesterol level at 7.2
- Triglycerides level at 2.4
- LDL at 3.4
- HDL at 1.6
Observe and identify  the iris signs located at IPB, pupillary zone, the collarette structure and external border of the collarette which rich of genetic information to explore...The IPB structure, shape & it thickness plus crypt / internal lacuna / defect sign / minor ray located at embryological zone, they have indicate the importance genetic iris signs and carry substantial weight for practitioner to assess and evaluate . I believe the 80% of genetic signs are stored and formed in these areas compared to the rest of iris zone...Observe the below IPB sign, what does it mean to you ? Why this IPB sign is correlate with Lipemic Diathesis / Cornea Acrus  & Ventral Linear Section of the Collarette ? Much more to explore...Most of the iris signs is a genetic blueprint to an individual family and pass generations.

Practitioner should be begin with analyzing the IPB thickness, structure and it shapes (morphologies)
1) General hypertrophy of the IPB and moderate deviation of the frontal IPB structure with multiple IPB morphologies.
2) The overall IPB structure is intact with no local absence, introflession, extroflession & pigment on the inner pupillary border. Space Risk & Spinal IPB evaluation is not applicable in this case.
3) The IPB morphologies is identified as follow :

Please try interpret the above IPB morphologies findings and relate it to other zone of iris and pupillary signs...

As mentioned before, when crypt located at different iris zone it represent a multidimensional sign and convey an important genetic message for practitioner to interpret and decode. The above iris example showing that the multiple crypts were located at pupillary zone & internal collarette border, this we classified as gastrointestinal crypts and for those attached on the border of the collarette is concerned with endocrine imbalance tendency. I 'm propose to use multiple iridological models to assess and evaluate these condition...For a quick start, please interpret the label of "a" IPB shape, internal crypt at 240' , ventral linear collarette structure and Cornea Arcus formation at limbus, each of them are correlate with certain genetic deficiency on endocrine system and genetically determined to Lipemic Diathesis...
The explanation of IPB in physical and emotional level is according to John Andrews & Dr. Daniele Lo Rito research findings.
a) V shape IPB indicate immune system imbalance tendency.
b) Elephant Sign IPB - 
- It is one of the most important sign identified by John Andrews in the aspect of modern & advanced iridology perspective. Normally, it genetically attached on the frontal of inner pupillary border. He stated that this sign is concern with Epigenetic, whereby an individual has inherited and influences from their parents, grandparents or is trangenerational epigenetic inheritance of emotional , psychological trauma and physical disease for that individual without altering the DNA structure.
- Genetic history of HPA compromise, history of autoimmune deficiency and arthritis tendency.
- Emotional imbalance of anxiety.
- Leptin disturbances leading to poor fat metabolism, aimplifiled by Lipemic Diathesis (refer to his cholestrol & triglycerides and LDL levels)
- Dysglycaemic tendency. We have substantial evidence to support this  high genetic tendency by identifying the ventral linear collarette and embryological sign 240' at internal collarette border, both of them are indicate blood sugar imbalance or pancreas dysfunction tendency.
c) This IPB tissue is genetically formed in "M" sign letter. We labeled it as M sign IPB and it usually located within the frontal IPB structure. This is another one of conclusive proof  and finding of that individual is inherited of blood sugar imbalance in term of dysglycaemia tendency.
d) U shape IPB, please refer to Dr. Daniele Lo Rito textbook for explanation.
e) Globular sign IPB, physically is concern with dysbiosis and gastric ulcers tendency.  Emotionally relate to mental fatigue that leading to depression and emotional toxicity.
f) This IPB tissue structurally formed as "S" letter, designated as S sign IPB. The main concern for this sign is Prolactin disturbances or Hyperprolactinaemia and Hypoglycaemia tendency. Psycho-emotional relates to unresolved anger with one parent and fluctuations in Prolactin levels triggering insomnia, postnatal depression or anxiety.
g)  I classified this IPB tissue as N sign IPB, it relate to hepatic imbalance, the tendency of impaired liver function.
In addition, we can extend the iris assessment to a embryological & cellular levels ( Kreb's Cycle) by analyzing the crypts located at pupillary zone and internal collarette border. The presentation of these two approaches as follow.
a) Internal lacuna located at internal collarette border - 90'  associate with d-isocitrate acid imbalance indicate Vitamin B3 deficiency.
b) Crypt at 130'-135' & 155' represent Succinyl-CoA acid imbalance, genetically it will cause to blood sugar imbalance, emotional stress and cardiac function disturbances.
c) Crypt at internal collarette border - 240', embryologically relate to pancreas dysfunction and Fumarate acid imbalance associate with general fatigue, fungal disease, hepatic carcinoma, impaired liver function, hyper cholesterol production, obesity and renal metabolic activation.
d) Lacuna attached at the external border of the collarette - 220' signify testicular stress.
In conclusion, we have numerous conclusive findings indicate that this person is genetically inherited of blood sugar imbalance, hypoglycemic  poor fat metabolism leading to hyper cholesterol production and liver disorders tendencies. Nevertheless, we will analyse his Lx-iris to collect more genetic evidences to support our finding results at Rx-iris

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