Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Classical, Modern & Multidimensional Iridology - Rx - (kkh)

Female, 67
Could you identify some of the importance iris signs in this iris via applying classical, modern or multidimensional iridology approaches...As usual, please look at the IPB structure, thickness and it shape, the pupillary zone, inside and outside border of the collarette. Look for solitary, combination and correlation iris sign as priority sign to be identified...

Female, 67
Please apply the classical, modern & multidimensional iridology approaches for this iris sample.
a) Local absent of the IPB signify Space Risk & IPB Spinal evaluation
b) Triangle IPB
c) Buttonhole IPB
d) Globular IPB
e) Collarette Bridge
What is the common genetic tendency to this person via the above IPB signs ? What does it mean for the collarette bridge found at the ventral section of the collarette ? It also indicate as Time Risk marking ! Apply these via multidimensional iridology approach.
f) Major Ray / Radial Furrow radiating from the edge of IPB, crossing pupillary zone, penetrating the collarette border and terminate at the ciliary zone - 360'/0' :
- Hippocampus, Hypothalamus & Amygdala glands compromise ( Modern & Embryological )
- Pyruvic acid imbalance ( Citric Acid Cycle ) correlate with collarette bridge sign
- Stress in Hypothalamus & Pituitary glands ( Classical )
- Consciousness & Vitality ( Holistic ) 
g) Small crypt / defect sign located at internal collarette border - 68' :
- Associate with Cis-aconitate acid imbalance
- Potential of small intestine - ileum disturbances
h) Brown pigment located at pupillary zone nearest to the internal collarette border - 115'
- Embryological sign relate to blood sugar imbalance ( Embryological )
- Kreb's Cycle relate to Alpha-Ketoglutarate acid imbalance ( Citric Acid Cycle )
- Classical relate to ileum imbalance
- Physical relate to liver stress involvement 
i) Crypts at 202' & 214'. What is the genetic impact to this women via classical, embryological & CAC analysis ? What other iris signs is relate to this genetic condition ? Example - In classical view, the crypts located at 202' & 214' relates to intestinal disturbances ( appendix & cecum), it correlates with Triangle, Buttonhole & Globular IPB signs.
j) Whitish crypt at internal collarette border - 300' !
k) Suggest Heart lacuna at 270' correlates with brown pigment ( CAC sign ) at 115' & crypts ( CAC signs ) at 202' & 214'.

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