Saturday, May 18, 2013

The Correlation Signs in Cellular & Embryology Levels - Internal Crypts & Collarette Structure - Rx - (ali)

Observe the crypts located at internal collarette border- 60', 95' & 135' , lacuna attached on the border of the collarette - 243' , cholesterol ring and the structure of the collarette, they are interrelated and correlate to each other. Please analyse these iris signs in multidimensional levels... 
a) Squared collarette indicates family history of Autoimmune Diabetes mellitus.
b) Pancreas lacuna located at external border of the collarette - 243'.
c) Crypt located at internal collarette border - 60' embryologically relates to blood sugar imbalance and in cellular level relates to citrate imbalance indicates general fatigue, indigestion, allergy tendency and renal metabolism disturbances.
d) Internal lacuna at pupillary zone - 95' embryologically represents kidneys insufficiency.
e) Crypt located at internal collarette border - 135' as Citric Acid Cycle (Cellular Iridology) sign associate with Succinyl-CoA imbalance indicates Anaemia, cardiac function disturbances (enhance by cholesterol ring) and Diabetes Mellitus tendencies.

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