Saturday, May 04, 2013

Multidimensional Approaches at Pupillary Zone - Lx - (amaloo)

Can you find which structural sign is indicate a person is predisposition to liver stress ?. Refer to my previous  post of Rx-iris was shown a brown pigment attached on the collarette at 80' also indicate potential of liver compromise. Please identify this in Lx-iris by using Multidimensional Iridology techniques ! Remember, the liver cannot manufacture a lacuna that attached on it topographical area ! Hint: These two liver signs were retained inside the collarette !

Crypts located at internal collarette border 130' as Embryological sign indicate liver stress involvement correlates with Dirk Hamer Syndrome sign at 235' signify liver dysfunction. This multidimensional sign also  signify as Citric Cycle Acid ( please refer to John Andrews  newly research on this topic) sign which associate with Succinyl-CoA & Coenzyme imbalance indicates family genetic history of blood sugar imbalance, cardiovascular problem, general fatigue, hepatic & impaired liver function. If we observe  carefully and analyse thoroughly by applying Modern & Advanced Multidimensional Iridology approaches , most of the iris signs are interconnected and interrelated. Observe the pancreas lacuna at 120' & 245'- Rx and heart lacuna at 80'-Lx & 280'-Rx both iris signs are correlate with the above findings !

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