Wednesday, May 01, 2013

IPB Morphologies & Lateral Temporal Flatness - An Importance of Correlation Signs - Lx - (kader)

The lateral temporal pupil flatness and it IPB tissues substantially reveals a person and his family genetic inheritance weaknesses, please refer the findings of my previous post at " The Pupil, IPB, Pupillary Zone & Collarette Structure in Multidimensional Approaches-Rx-(kader)". Compare & identify the importance correlation signs of these two irises...The below presentation is to demonstrate the analysis of IPB Morphologies & Pupil Flattening that can reflect, confirm, cross-checking and enhance the accuracy of your importance findings in different layers of both irises by implementing the multidimensional iridology models !
a) "A" sign of IPB is correlate and enhance by Frontal Flattening- Rx which indicates endocrine glands imbalance, especially pineal gland dysfunction !  
b) Squared shape of IPB indicates a family medical history of thyroid dysfunction which correlates and enhances by thyroid lacuna at 80'-Rx
c) According to John Andrews researched, V-sign IPB indicate immune system dysfunction.
d) Lateral Temporal Flatness indicate predisposition to circulatory problem, asthma, emotional heart and breast problems that correlates and enhances by heart lacuna at 275'-Rx and embryological sign-crypt at 270'-Rx (breast problem).

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