Friday, May 10, 2013

Crypts, Internal Lacunae & Rarefaction of Iris Fibers at Pupillary Zone - Rx - (raj)

Observe the multiple crypts located at internal border collarette or pupillary zone. We need to identify which one is classified as crypt, internal lacuna and rarefaction of iris fibres structure inside the collarette. We focus on a crypt and internal lacuna as a multidimensional sign for analysis and interpretation.
a) Rarefaction layers of iris fibres at internal collarette zones. Practitioner need to differentiate the crypt, internal lacuna and rarefaction of iris fibres inside the collarette so as to determine and fulfill the condition via applying the multidimensional iridological models.
b) Crypts & internal lacunae located at internal collarette border as a multidimensional sign consider as Physical / Classical, Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette, Dirk Hamer Syndrome & Citric Acid Cycle approaches (Please refer to John Andrews & Dr. Daniele LoRito textbooks for above iridological models and apply to this case study).

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