Sunday, April 07, 2013

Crypts at Internal Collarette Border - Embryological, Citric Acid Cycle & Dirk Hamer Syndrome Analysis - Lx- (kanun)

Male, 45
Observe the multiple crypts located inside the pupillary border consider the multidimensional approaches...take note the small lacunae attached on the border of the collarette - 70' & 146'.
Observe the correlation weaknesses presented by these 3 approaches :
1) Embryological approach- 
a) 5'  relate to stress in pituitary gland.
b) 58', 65' & 80' indicates genetic predisposition to blood sugar imbalance, spleen deficiency and kidneys insufficiency.
c) 160', 204' & 295' signifies personal predisposition and family medical history of  bladder/prostate deficiency and blood sugar imbalance.
2) Citric Acid Cycle ( Cellular Iridology ) approach-
a) 5' associates with to Pyruvic Acid imbalance which indicates chronic disease tendency, blood sugar imbalance and Diabetes Mellitus.
b) 58' & 65' signify with Citrate Acid imbalance which indicates fatigue tendency, prostate & testosterone imbalance and progesterone deficiency.
c) 80' relate to Cis-acontitate imbalance.
d) 160' represent Coenzyme A imbalance indicates potential of kidney and heart stress.
e) 204' associate with Succinate imbalance indicates potential of stress, fatigue, heart problem and Diabetes Mellitus. 
f) 295' associate with Malic Acid imbalance indicates potential of fatigue, blood sugar imbalance and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
3) Dick Hamer Syndrome approach-
a) Conflict of heart problem - 5'.
b) Potential of not to be able to perceive information/ annoying information-58', 65' & 295'. 

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