Wednesday, April 17, 2013

IPB Morphologies - Classic & New Part 2

The above is general hypertrophy of the IPB structure. Please identify which IPB tissues is considered classical  and new finding !

a) Squared shape IPB - "Classic" 
b) A sign IPB - " New" (documented by John Andrews)
c) V shaped IPB - "New" ( documented by Dr. Daniele Lo Rito & John Andrews)

Sunday, April 14, 2013

The Pupil, IPB, Pupillary Zone & Collarette Structure in Multidimensional Approaches - Rx - (kader)

Male, 55
a) The dynamics structure of the IPB - The diameter, it morphologies & local absence of the IPB.
b) The dynamics change of the Pupil - Multiple pupil flattenings.
c) The dynamics structure of the Collarette - Hypertrophy, localised absence, indentation, frontal u-shaped & multi-bridged collarette formation.
d) Crypts located inside the pupillary zone.
Also observe the solitary melanin pigment, lacunae attached on the collarette border and radial furrows located at frontal section of ciliary zone !

Male, 55
Observe the above importance iris signs systematically highlighted and presented starting from the IPB diameter & its morphologies, multiple pupil flattenings, crypts located at pupillary zone, the dynamics of the collarette structure and lacunae attached to the external border of the collarette  associate with multidimensional iridological approaches. Please analyse the genetic iris signs which located in different level of iris zones in systematic manner, identify and analyse the correlations and corresponds to enhance the findings... For example the sectional absence of the IPB at 210'~230' is correlate and correspond to the inferior temporal flatness in physical and emotional levels ! You are not even analyse the client personal genetic weakness but to read, trace and understanding of his/her  family genetic background  and inheritance weaknesses up to three generations ! 

1) IPB tissues / morphologies -
a) M sign IPB.
b) Distorted S sign IPB ( a+b look like Wave shaped IPB, please view separately from these two IPB tissues).
c) Buttonhole IPB.
d) Target sign IPB !
e) Two IPB tissues overlapping each other - Double IPB !
d) Sectional absence of the IPB at 210'~230' suggests Space Risk & IPB Spinal analysis. 
(Please refer to John Andrews & Dr. Daniele Lo Rito's IPB topic for explanation)
2) Pupil flattenings - 
a) Frontal flatness : Psycho-emotionally relates to suppression of expression, anger & resentment which emotionally correlates with brown pigment at 215'.
b) Inferior Nasal Flatness : Check for liver, gall bladder & pancreas dysfunction. The liver stress enhance by melanin pigment at 215!
c) Inferior Temporal Flatness adjacent to sectional absence of the IPB, consider the potential of  neuromuscular tension at Lumbar Vertebrae (L1 to L4). Renal disturbances is highlighted !
(Please refer to John Andrews's "Yellow book" for detail explanation on this subject).
3) Crypt as " Therapy Resistance". Crypts that located inside the collarette or pupillary zone leading to Classical, Embryological & Cellular levels of consideration.
a) Generally, the classical view indicate gastrointestinal disturbances.
b) Embryological relates to potential of  family medical history of breast problem (270'), pharynx/larynx disturbances (294'), liver stress (330') and kidneys insufficiency (176') - enhance by inferior temporal flatness.
c) Cellular/Citric Acid Cycle - please refer to John Andrews's "Modern Cellular Iridology Citric Acid Cycle Iris Chart" & notes for practice and analysis ! Take note, only take count on those crypts located at "internal collarette border" - 20', 137', 176', 270', 294', & 330'.
4) The dynamics structure of the collarette -
a) Multiple bridges formation.
b) U-shaped Frontal Collarette - 3' indicates lower level of pyruvic acid leading to the development of Type-2 Diabetes !
c) Sectional absence of the collarette at 278'~310', take note the adjacent organs topographical reflex areas.
(Please search for my previous posts on explanation for a & b).
5) Analysis of iris signs attached on the external border of the collarette - lacunae 
a) Indented lacuna at 125' indicate personal predisposition or family medical history of blood sugar imbalance ( correlates and enhances by M sign IPB, inferior nasal flatness, U-shaped rontal collarette & collarette bridges formation). Time Risk sign is highlighted !
b) Observe the Heart lacuna at 275' & thyroid lacuna at 80' potential family history of heart problem and thyroid imbalance.

Flat Shaped IPB

Suggest Flat sign IPB indicates tendency to lower zinc !

Collarette Bridges & Kreb's Cycle Sign - Blood Sugar Imbalance- Rx - (hidha)

Male, 41
Multiple collarette bridges & crypt located internal collarette border at 163' indicates genetic family history of blood sugar imbalance (collarette bridges) correlates with Coenzyme A imbalance indicate Diabetes Mellitus  tendency (Kreb's Cycle / Cellular Iridology).

Iris Signs located at inside, outside & on the border of the collarette - Classical, Emotional, Time Risk, Embryological & The Cellular Iridology Approaches - Rx

Observe the crypts and internal lacunae located  inside, outside & on the border of the collarette and it structure. 
a) Linear formation at the medial nasal and lateral temporal section of the collarette indicates genetic predisposition to blood sugar imbalance.
b) Defect sign located at external border of the collarette at 197' indicate potential stress in appendix.
c) Pancreas lacuna at 295' correlates with linear collarette formation.
d) Closed lacuna penetrated in the border of the collarette at 275'  as a multidimensional sign-
1) Classical view indicates family medical history of heart problem/cardiovascular risk.
2) Psycho-emotional approach relate to unresolved grief issue.
3) Time Risk sign ! emotional trauma with the experience of betrayal, family trauma, emotionally vulnerable time at the aged of 14 !
e) Crypts located inside collarette border - 258' & 285' signify as Embryological & Citric Acid Cycle signs -
1) Embryological relates genetic predisposition to lung stress and thyroid dysfunction.
2) Citric Acid Cycle associates with fumarate and malic acid imbalance indicates potential of general fatigue, hepatic stress, impaired liver function, psoriasis, prediabetes & dysglycaemia tendencies.

Friday, April 12, 2013

New IPB Morphologies - Classic & New - Rx - (anwar) - Part 1

In my opinion, some of the IPB morphologies became classical and some are considered new findings..which one do you think is classified as new or classical ( not as classical iridology !) Learning of IPB & its morphologies is not a trend but a basic for  practitioner to understand and practice...
a) Omega sign IPB - classic ! 
b) N sign IPB - New !
c) Tube shaped of IPB - New !

Sunday, April 07, 2013

Crypts at Internal Collarette Border - Embryological, Citric Acid Cycle & Dirk Hamer Syndrome Analysis - Lx- (kanun)

Male, 45
Observe the multiple crypts located inside the pupillary border consider the multidimensional approaches...take note the small lacunae attached on the border of the collarette - 70' & 146'.
Observe the correlation weaknesses presented by these 3 approaches :
1) Embryological approach- 
a) 5'  relate to stress in pituitary gland.
b) 58', 65' & 80' indicates genetic predisposition to blood sugar imbalance, spleen deficiency and kidneys insufficiency.
c) 160', 204' & 295' signifies personal predisposition and family medical history of  bladder/prostate deficiency and blood sugar imbalance.
2) Citric Acid Cycle ( Cellular Iridology ) approach-
a) 5' associates with to Pyruvic Acid imbalance which indicates chronic disease tendency, blood sugar imbalance and Diabetes Mellitus.
b) 58' & 65' signify with Citrate Acid imbalance which indicates fatigue tendency, prostate & testosterone imbalance and progesterone deficiency.
c) 80' relate to Cis-acontitate imbalance.
d) 160' represent Coenzyme A imbalance indicates potential of kidney and heart stress.
e) 204' associate with Succinate imbalance indicates potential of stress, fatigue, heart problem and Diabetes Mellitus. 
f) 295' associate with Malic Acid imbalance indicates potential of fatigue, blood sugar imbalance and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
3) Dick Hamer Syndrome approach-
a) Conflict of heart problem - 5'.
b) Potential of not to be able to perceive information/ annoying information-58', 65' & 295'.